Tianjin boasts new generation AI advances

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-05-10

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The National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone and the Fourth Industrial Internet Development Summit Forum will be unveiled at the 6th World Intelligence Conference, which will take place from June 6 to 9 in Tianjin.

Since the city was listed as the first pilot zone for artificial intelligence innovation and development in 2019, it has invested 260 billion yuan($38.66 billion) and built more than 300 major application scenarios and platforms.

Leveraged on the city’s advantages in big data and cloud computing facilities, it has made progress in AI innovation and application, as well as cultivating smart industries.

The World Intelligence Congress has hosted three industrial internet development forums, where more than 50 Chinese and foreign guests have shared cutting-edge theories, practical cases, platforms and enterprise applications. More than 200 entrepreneurs have connected and cooperated through the forum and promoted 10 projects.

Participants of the fourth forum will continue to share their experience with empowering traditional industries with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and industrial internet, and share the benchmarking practices of the digital transformation of enterprises, industrial parks and regions.