Tianjin 4th in “happy commuting”

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-08-11

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Tianjin ranks 4th among China’s top 10 megacities in terms of commuting distance, according to the 2022 Commuting Monitoring Report of Major Cities in China.

The report was released recently and covers the commuting data of 90 million people from 44 major cities across China from September 2021 to November 2021. Among them, 14 are classed as megacities.

According to the report, commuting within five kilometers, also known as "happy commuting", is an important measure of urban livability.

Tianjin ranks fourth, with 51 percent commuting within five kilometers. Shenzhen tops the list with 58 percent of commuters enjoying happy commuting, and is followed by Hangzhou at 54 percent.  

The report was released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design and Baidu Maps.