Zhang Liming attends the first World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-08-19

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"Role Model of the Times", Zhang Liming, attends the first World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference (WVTEDC), which is being held in Tianjin from the 19th to 20th of August.

The first WVTEDC, with the theme of "the development of vocational and technical education in the post-epidemic era: new changes, new ways, new skills", has formed a new platform and paradigm for international exchanges and cooperation in vocational education. The first World Vocational College Skills Competition will be held at the same time, divided into two categories: competition and exhibition.

In the skilled craftsman unit of the exhibition, Zhang Liming will represent "Five Small" innovative achievements, such as the artificial intelligence live working robot in the distribution network, new high-voltage isolators, new protectors of high-voltage isolators, removable low voltage isolators, and new bird repellent and BOOK tool box.



Zhang Liming, "Role Model of the Times", explains the innovative achievements of the AI live working robot for the distribution network [Photo/ exploringtianjin.com]

The innovations shown in the exhibition have been independently invented by Zhang Liming and his team, and have been widely applied in the construction, operation and maintenance of the Tianjin Electric Power Company of SGCC. These innovations have successfully solved the problems of safety, quality and efficiency, and have also provided good economic and social benefits. The robot won first prize at the Tianjin Science and Technology Advancement Awards in 2021, and been promoted and applied more than 17,000 times across 20 provinces. The Guidelines for Live Working Robots in Distribution Networks has been officially approved in the IEEE international standards in this field, filling the gap of international standards in the field of live working AI in distribution networks.

Zhang Liming has been on the front line of power repair for 35 years, and has been granted the titles of "Role Model of the Times", "Reform Pioneer" and "The Most Outstanding Contributors".

The Tianjin Electric Power Company of SGCC has firmly established the concept that innovation is the first driving force for development. Based on regional resource endowments and industry advantages, it has deepened the construction of a world-class enterprise, and cultivated a number of iconic scientific and technological achievements represented by live working robots in distribution networks. "We have been focusing on important strategic goals, such as energy supply, 'carbon peaking and carbon neutrality' implementation, and new power system construction, with the aim of building first-class innovations and providing inexhaustible impetus for the construction of world-class enterprises." Wang Haoming, the deputy director of the Planning and Achievement Division of the Science and Technology Department in the Tianjin Electric Power Company of SGCC, said.