Tianjin to hold internet civilization conference

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-08-24

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The 2022 China Internet Civilization Conference will be held in north China's Tianjin, from Aug 28 to 29.

The conference will include a main forum, a forum on developing the integrity of cyberspace, 10 sub-forums, an exhibition and themed events.

The sub-forums will focus on topics such as content development, ecology and law-based governance in cyberspace, international exchanges and privacy protection in cyberspace.

One highlight of the conference will be an exhibition on the progress made in cultivating internet civilization since 2012.

The conference will be co-hosted by the Office of the CCAC, the Central Commission for Guiding Cultural and Ethical Progress, the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, and the Tianjin Municipal People's Government.