Tianjin strives to contribute more to coordinated development

By Yang Cheng| (chinadaily.com.cn)| Updated : 2022-10-20

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Tianjin will strive to contribute more to the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, tapping into its industrial, financial, and port advantages, said the city's deputy Party chief Jin Xiangjun on Tuesday night.

He made the remarks at a news conference for the ongoing 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Jin said that Tianjin as the national advanced research and development base, North China's international shipping area, financial innovation model area as well as a pilot area for reform and opening-up, they will continue to transfer Beijing's non-capital functions that are not essential to its role and help with the construction of the Xiong'an New Area, based on its own conditions and advantages.

In addition, the city has rolled out a series of major ecological projects, which have significantly improved local ecosystems and made some new tourist attractions, Jin said.

Thanks to consistent efforts, the city has established a green, ecological barrier between the downtown and the coastal area of the city-the Binhai New Area, added new green areas and restored its coastal wetlands.