2022 Youth "Eco-Innovative • Green Action" Competition held in Tianjin’s Binhai

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2022-11-23

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The 2022 Youth "Eco-Innovative · Green Action" Competition & Eco-City "Innovation Star" Competition Finals and Awards Ceremony was held as part of the Eco-City’s business summit, which was held on Nov 22 in Binhai New Area.

A total of 196 quality projects from China and Singapore were collected this year, a 20 percent increase from 2021, with 12 entering the final competition.

"Acid Production by Science and Technology - The Most Acid-Producing Aspergillus Niger" from Tianjin University of Science and Technology won First Prize.

Since its inception in 2011, the competition has received 1,208 creative and practical proposals submitted by 384 enterprises, universities, teams and individuals from 94 cities and regions domestically and overseas. It has contributed practical solutions to the sustainable development of the city, and also promoted the youth to pursue innovation and entrepreneurship.

As the keynote guest, Yang Yong, deputy head of the ECAC, shared the new measures in smart city development, planning on smart industry, the business environment, related policies and business opportunities in the Eco-City.


 Yang Yong, deputy head of the ECAC, delivered a keynote speech.

Yang Yong said that as the second strategic cooperation project between China and Singapore and the world’s first eco-city jointly developed by two countries, the Eco-City has been successfully transformed from a saline alkaline wasteland to a green and smart city that brings happiness to all who live and work there, and has also become a model of China-Singapore cooperation and an example of international collaborations.

The Eco-City focuses on building a high-quality business environment, with a broad market, industry clusters, mature industrial carriers, rich human resources and customised services.

Next year marks the 15th anniversary of the Eco-City. At the end of the keynote speech, on behalf of the ECAC, Yang Yong officially released multilingual versions of the Guidelines for International Enterprise Investment Services (Guidelines), consisting of four parts, namely, Enter the Eco-City, Invest in the Eco-City, Live in the Eco-City and Join in the Eco-City.Government representatives and industry experts from China and Singapore, as well as representatives from key enterprises in the Eco-City, exchanged views on the area’s  industrial development.

New initiatives, technologies and business opportunities in smart and sustainable development in Singapore and China were explored to provide more learning experiences and references in smart city development and the digital transformation of industries.


The guests at the Summit Dialogue engaged in lively discussions.

The success of the China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Business Summit not only promotes in-depth exchanges between Singapore and China in smart and sustainable development, but also boosts the high-quality development of the Eco-City.

As the master developer of the Eco-City, the SSSTEC will utilize its significant advantages as a bilateral cooperation platform to promote multi-level and diversified interaexploringtianjin.comctions between Singapore and China, and will continue to incorporate the latest practices and experiences in environmental protection and smart development, thereby empowering the Eco-City to build a green, smart and sustainable future.