Tianjin Port ships China-made metro trains to Portugal

(exploringtianjin.com)| Updated : 2023-02-15

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Tianjin Lingang Port Group completed the shipment of eight urban rail cars, which started their journey to Portugal on February 11.

The newly shipped trains were produced by CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd, one of China's largest makers of trains, for the Porto Metro Company of Portugal.

The new metro trains, which have a maximum circulation speed of 80 km/h and capacity for 344 passengers, feature low energy consumption and intelligence, are lighter, and are a new generation of subway trains in line with European standards.


It was the first time for Tianjin Lingang Port Group to export China-made urban trains to a country in the European Union this year. The port company has come up with special work plans to ensure the smooth completion of the shipment, which will further promote economic and trade cooperation between China and Portugal.

In the years ahead, Tianjin Lingang Port Group will strengthen its capacity building in the shipment of all kinds of goods, make its shipping services more competitive, help domestic enterprises further expand their overseas presence, and promote the cluster development of international rail vehicles.