Investment Guide

Opening and communication


Tianjin has kept up with China’s reform and opening-up trend. In the new era, Tianjin plans to open its gates wider to welcome cooperation worldwide.

Foreigner's work permit application

Foreigner's work permit application


Under the new system, the employer and foreign applicant can complete the application and submit necessary supporting documents electronically. An online management service system for foreigners working in China established by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs will manage the online registration process.

Approval procedures for foreign investment projects


Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperation ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, foreign investment partnership enterprises, domestic enterprises merged by foreign investors, and other foreign investment projects.

Procedures for foreign company to set up permanent representative office in China


The permanent representative office of foreign enterprise (such as office or representative office) means no-profitable office established by foreign company to engage in operation related under the stipulations.

Forms of foreign investment


Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures, and Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises are the three main forms of foreign investment in China.

Company registration


Project Verification and Approval. Joint ventures and cooperative joint ventures established within China's territory must be able to promote the development of China's economy and the improvement of its science and technology for the benefit of socialist modernization.

Record-filing measures for foreign investment projects


Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperation ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, foreign investment partnership enterprises, domestic enterprises merged by foreign investors, capital increase and reinvestment projects of foreign-invested enterprises within the administrative regions of the municipality, and other foreign investment projects.

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