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Crab museum opens in Xiamen

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: May 29, 2019


Part of the collections in the crab museum in Xiamen's Zengcuoan culture and creativity center, Fujian province. [Photo/fjsen.com]

A new museum featuring various species of crabs opened in Xiamen's Zengcuoan Culture and Creativity Center in Fujian province on May 28.

The two-story museum houses more than 1,000 crab specimens and over 300 species, including the world's largest and smallest crabs.

The process of making a crab specimen is complicated and takes three to six months for small crabs and one to two years for large ones, according to Liu Cheng-hung, curator of the museum.

"The crab specimens not only came from Taiwan, but also from oceans, rivers and lakes all over the world," said Liu.


A specimen of the world's largest crab is displayed in the crab museum in Xiamen's Zengcuoan Culture and Creativity Center, Fujian province. [Photo/fjsen.com]

Liu was born in the 1990s in Penghu county, Taiwan. Growing up by the sea, he gradually became interested in collecting crab specimens.

As his collection grew bigger, he began to think about sharing his specimens with the world. He ultimately settled on Zengcuoan, which once was a fishing village in Xiamen, to house his collections.

According to Liu, the museum will serve as an ocean science popularization base for students in the future.