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Xiamen Torch High-tech Zone receives national honor

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Jul 12, 2019


Xiamen Torch High-tech Zone [Photo/xmtorch.xm.gov.cn/]

Xiamen Torch High-tech Zone was selected as the only national intellectual property demonstration zone in eastern Fujian province, according to a list recently released by the National Intellectual Property Administration.

Early in 2013, the zone was named a national IP pilot park. After three years of incubation, it passed the acceptance inspection in 2016.

In 2018, an IP service center was launched in the zone, carrying out various IP-related work to better serve companies based in the zone.

Officials said the upgrade from pilot zone to a demonstration zone can be attributed to its efforts in striving to continually improve its IP services system with the support of IP authorities at all levels.

In 2018, 56 companies in the zone were formally recognized for implementing the national standards for "Enterprise Intellectual Property Management", up 133 percent from the previous year. In addition, three companies were named national IP demonstration enterprises, four won the title of national IP advantageous enterprises and more than 20 were identified as municipal or provincial advantageous and demonstration ones.

According to an official of the zone's administrative committee, it will continue to optimize its IP policies and improve its IP services in an all-round way.