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Singing competition boosts cross-Straits ties

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Aug 8, 2019


Participants in the cross-Straits singing competition pose for a group photo on Aug 7. [Photo/xmnn.cn]

A cross-Straits singing competition took place in Xiamen in eastern Fujian province on Aug 7, gathering 64 students from 53 universities and colleges from both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

The singing competition, initiated by the All-China Students' Federation and Taiwan's Chinese Youth International, has been held for 14 years.

It has become one of the major cross-Straits youth exchange activities, promoting exchanges between students.

This year, organizers especially staged the venue in Xiamen Software Park, and organized interactive games for the participants -- in a bid to let them experience the high-end technologies of the park and the rapid urban development and innovative environment of Xiamen.

After the competition, the students also visited Xiamen Museum and Xiamen University, as well as other famous cultural and tourist attractions.

"It was my first time to visit Xiamen. The city is very modern and people are hospitable," said a participant from Taiwan.

"When I have my career planning in the future, I may consider coming to Xiamen."