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Intl co-op forum on Silk Road maritime held in Xiamen

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Sep 10, 2019


New logistics corridors built by the Silk Road maritime attract more high-quality foreign products sold on the Chinese market. [Photo by Wang Huoyan/xmnn.cn]

The Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum Round-table Conference was held in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, on Sept 8.

The round-table conference, sponsored by Chen Zhiping, chairman of Xiamen Port Holding Group, was attended by a number of representatives from member enterprises of the Silk Road Maritime Alliance. Attendees agreed to further strengthen the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and work together to promote the development of the Silk Road maritime.

After eight months of development, the Silk Road maritime has grown to become a key part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and a cooperative platform for China and countries involved in the BRI. More than 100 enterprises taking part in the alliance will be the great supporters and a major beneficiary of the Silk Road Maritime Alliance, Chen said.

The Xiamen Proposal of the Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum was launched at the round-table conference, which will change how Silk Road maritime develops in the future, Chen added.

Xiamen proposal said that the Silk Road maritime will stick to the inclusive and open principle and focus on policy, infrastructure, trade, capital and people-to-people connectivity among countries involved in the Silk Road maritime.

The Silk Road maritime will also work to strengthen exchange and cooperation in the construction and operation of sea channels as well as the high-quality development of ports and shipping routes.

It will pursue an innovation-driven strategy to promote the development of smart shipping and ports, in order to achieve the high-efficiency performance and seamless connection among marine supply chains.

In addition, the Silk Road maritime will actively promote the development of ecological channels and green ports and ships. Clean energy will be used to reduce the negative effects of shipping on the environment and realize the sustainable development of the shipping industry.