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Jimei exhibits paintings of ASEAN artists

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Sep 17, 2019


A group of artists from China and ASEAN countries visit Jimei in Xiamen. [Photo/xmnn.cn]

A major cultural event -- exhibiting nearly 200 paintings by more than 30 artists from China and ASEAN countries -- kicked off in Xiamen's Jimei district recently.

The ASEAN Culture and Artistic Creation Seasons (Season 1) opened at the ASEAN Culture and Art Exchange Center in Jimei district in Fujian province on Sept 15, offering a visual treat to fans.

Over the past month, artists from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries have joined Chinese artists to visit the hometown of the well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader Tan Kah Kee, and created works presenting the spirit and cultural beauty of Jimei.

According to the director of ASEAN Culture and Art Exchange Center, the activity is divided into two parts -- creation and exhibition -- aiming to strengthen the cultural exchanges between countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. The aim is not only to introduce foreign multi-cultural works, but also promote Chinese culture abroad.

In order to promote the development of the BRI, Jimei district government and the Thai-ASEAN+6 Business Promotion Association jointly established the ASEAN Culture and Art Exchange Center in October 2014.

The exhibition will run until Oct 31.