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Xiamen to roll out 5G coverage in important areas by 2020

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Sep 19, 2019


The city of Xiamen is pushing hard to achieve 5G coverage in its key areas by 2020. [Photo/VCG]

Xiamen in eastern Fujian province recently rolled out an action plan on the city's 5G development, local media reported.

According to the plan, Xiamen will accelerate the development of its 5G industry.

By the end of 2020, a total of 3,500 5G base stations will be installed in the city, allowing all urban users to have 1,000 Mbps access capacity and the 5G network will cover key urban areas around the city.

The plan also outlined that Xiamen will implement a rural 5G network coverage project, promote the construction of 5G in key rural areas in 2021, and the city will have a total of 8,000 5G base stations in the city by then.