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The Glorious Journey exhibition

Xinhua| Updated: Sep 20, 2019

WELLINGTON, Sept. 16 -- A photo exhibition marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was launched on Monday at the Academy Gallery in Wellington.

The Glorious Journey exhibition consists of four sections: Chinese Faces and Chinese Memories; Seeing China through New Zealand Eyes; China and New Zealand; and Shared Vision and Future. Nearly 300 photos taken by Chinese and New Zealand photographers recording the past 70 years of new China were on display.

Four New Zealand photographers contributed their works to the photo show. Tom Hutchins's work, in terms of both quantity and quality, is a remarkable photographic record of the People's Republic of China dated back to 1956.

Geoff Steven has an established international reputation as a film maker and photographer. Geoff travelled across China with Rewi Alley in 1979. These images give a unique glimpse of China as it was at the beginning of the reform and opening-up.

Chinese Ambassador Wu Xi highlighted Alley's contribution to the New Zealand-China friendship.

"Inspired by Rewi Alley's heroic deeds, more and more people are committed to promoting our friendship and strengthening our bilateral ties. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your long-term support and contributions to the development of China-Kiwi relationship," she said.

Simon Hoyle is a professional photographer based in New Zealand and a member of the Wellington-Xiamen Sister City Association. Through photography, he expressed great affection for the people and scenery of Xiamen, a beautiful coastal city in southeast China.

David J. Smith, a traveler and photographer, is attracted by both urban China and the natural scenery of the Chinese countryside.

Chinese Ambassador Wu emphasized that the audience could understand the story of China transforming from an impoverished country, far behind the rest of the world, into a prosperous country with its door open to the world.

"As you look at this photo exhibition, I hope you will see China changing. From a weak and vulnerable country, we have, over the past 70 years, become a strong country that is moving closer to the center stage of the world," she said.