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ABB Group to promote digitization in Xiamen

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Oct 17, 2019


YuMi, a human-sized dual-arm robot developed by ABB, showcases its coffee-making ability. [Photo/news.xmnn.cn] 

Swiss conglomerate ABB Group will build the world's largest ABB innovation and manufacturing center in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, according to Zhang Zhiqiang, managing director of ABB China, in a statement on Oct 16.

ABB Group has constructed eight plants throughout Xiamen since it first began operating in the city in 1992. The city has grown into one of ABB's largest manufacturing centers, and the group is now looking to beef up its efforts to develop high-end technology such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and industrial automation, according to Zhang.

In recent years, ABB has been working toward industrial agglomeration in Xiamen. The second phase of the ABB Xiamen Hub recently began operating, forming a complete industrial chain that includes research and development, manufacturing, sales, and after-sales services, Zhang said.

Zhang added that in the future, ABB will bring more advanced technologies and products to Xiamen with the aim of propelling the development of the city's power and electronics industry, as well as technological innovation and application at local enterprises.

This July, ABB inked a cooperation agreement with Xiamen's King Long Motor Group, with both parties agreeing to work together to develop electric buses. The buses will make use of the world's leading flash-charging technology developed by ABB.

The groundbreaking charging technology, known as TOSA, requires no overhead wires and is the first sustainable mass transport solution that offers a viable alternative to diesel buses. The technology will be tested out in Xiamen, offering passengers a highly efficient and eco-friendly form of public transportation.

Digitization and intellectualization are two of ABB's development goals, and the company plans to establish a digital factory model in Xiamen in the future. The group will work to accelerate industrial upgrading and the development of the digital economy in Xiamen, Zhang said.