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Xiamen World Ocean Week to expand relations

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Oct 23, 2019

The annual World Ocean Week in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province, will focus on building a maritime community with a shared future and expanding relations this year, local media reported on Oct 23.

The opening ceremony for the event is expected to be attended by senior officials, academics, and representatives from ASEAN member states, international organizations, and China's Ministry of Natural Resources. Plans will be proposed for building a maritime community with a shared future.

The annual conference of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG) for Sustainable Coastal Development will also be held alongside the ocean week.

The conference will consist of three parts: a membership assembly, technical seminars, and visits to several cities to study their achievements and experiences in integrated coastal zone management. The event is meant to increase Xiamen's influence in East Asian waters.

The annual conference will also release a proposal concerning sea drift garbage and garbage sorting to encourage the development of a sustainable marine environment through cooperation between multiple countries.

The PNLG, founded in 2006, aims to facilitate the sustainable development and environmental conservation of marine and coastal resources in East Asia. It is made up of 62 members, including 10 countries.

A series of international ocean conferences will also be held in Xiamen on the sidelines of the event. They will revolve around marine affairs, marine spatial planning, and marine environmental conservation.

Since its launch in 2006, the Xiamen World Ocean Week has announced 121 scientific achievements, witnessed the signing of 124 projects, and hosted 127 countries and 18 international organizations.

The event this year will take place from Nov 1 to 7 and be attended by about 500 government officials, experts, and representatives from companies and international institutions from 40 countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.