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Poverty-stricken prefecture markets homegrown products in Xiamen

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: Nov 1, 2019


Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Northwest China's Gansu province showcases its more than 100 homegrown products in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province on Oct 22. [Photo/swj.xm.gov.cn]

Xiamen in East China's Fujian province held an activity to promote products from Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Northwest China's Gansu province on Oct 22.

Vegetables grown in Xiamen struggle to satisfy the demands of locals, while Linxia is rich in high quality highland vegetables, traditional Chinese medicinal materials, beef and mutton.

The activity not only served as a platform for Linxia to market its homegrown produce, but also offered a rare opportunity for suppliers of agricultural products in Xiamen to expand their purchasing channels.

In addition, Gansu's Department of Commerce granted a business license to a Gansu-made produce store in Xiamen during the activity, which is expected to help the province's agricultural products further tap into the city's market.

Wu Zhentu, deputy director of the Department of Commerce in Gansu, said that Linxia sold more than two million yuan ($286,000) worth of produce and secured 12 million yuan worth of deals with Xiamen companies during a Gansu products exhibition in the coastal city last year.

Xiamen has purchased a total of 19.23 million yuan worth of products from Linxia this year and helped 946 poverty-stricken locals, added Wu.