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Local governments urged to unite in defense of marine environment

By Sophie He in Xiamen| China Daily| Updated: Nov 6, 2019

The annual forum of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments for Sustainable Coastal Development was held in Xiamen on Nov 1, alongside the 2019 World Ocean Week.

The PEMSEA, also known as Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia, is an non-governmental organization working to foster healthy and resilient oceans, coasts, communities and economies across the region.

The PEMSEA Network of Local Governments, or PNLG, holds annual forums in different member cities each year.


From left: Experts deliver speeches at the 2019 Xiamen International Ocean Forum. Lin Yuyang / For China Daily

This year, more than 150 delegates from China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam and Myanmar participated in the forum. There they exchanged experiences through case studies, meetings as well as a field trip.

Hong Huasheng, chief scientist of the Coastal and Ocean Management Institute of Xiamen University, told the forum how Xiamen has achieved sustainable development through integrated coastal management.

In view of Xiamen's dedication to promoting integrated coastal management, Chua Thia-Eng, chair emeritus of East Asian Seas Partnership Council, awarded the city the PEMSEA Leadership Award.

Zhang Yigong, vice-mayor of Xiamen, received the award on behalf of the city government.


He said: "Xiamen is a reflection of China's green development practice. There are more success stories like Xiamen in China and within the seas of East Asia."

Pan Shijian, chair emeritus of the PNLG and former vice-mayor of Xiamen, read out the PNLG Initiative on Jointly Preventing and Treating Marine Debris.

With marine debris becoming a global problem and posing a severe threat to the marine environment, Pan said the PNLG recognizes the importance of strengthening marine debris prevention and treatment.

Due to the connectivity of the ocean and the fact that coastal cities are usually located near estuaries - the last barrier for debris to enter the sea - delegates urged all coastal cities to play their part in preventing and treating marine debris.

PNLG called on members to cooperate in different areas to support marine waste prevention.

The forum also called for more coastal cities to join the PNLG network, share their experiences, strengthen cooperation and work together for the realization of a cleaner and healthier ocean.