
Xiangzhou district posts eye-catching economic growth in H1 Updated: August 1, 2023
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The beautiful Xiangzhou at night. [Photo/WeChat account: zhxiangzhou]

The Xiangzhou district of Zhuhai generated GDP of 91.7 billion yuan ($12.8 billion) in the first half of the year - an increase of 6 percent year-on-year, accounting for 44.4 percent of the city's total.

The added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries each reached 30 million yuan, 35 billion yuan and 56.66 billion yuan - gaining by 66.2 percent, 7.7 percent and 5.1 percent, respectively.

The added value of the advanced manufacturing industry was 16.68 billion yuan, continuing to lead the industrial sector above the designated size. It accounted for 67.4 percent of the total, contributing 113.1 percent to the growth rate of the industry above the designated size.

Industrial investment grew by 36.5 percent year-on-year, of which investment in industrial technological transformation and manufacturing expanded by 19.9 percent and 78.1 percent, respectively.

Sixteen of Xiangzhou's 28 industrial categories achieved positive growth, while the added value of the top eight leading industries accounted for 93.7 percent of the total, driving the industrial growth of 13.8 percent.

The electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry – led by Gree Electric Appliances and other top players - maintained high growth, with an added value of 15.71 billion yuan, increasing by 17.7 percent.

The output value of the top 50 industrial enterprises in Xiangzhou above the designated size totaled 71.51 billion yuan, an increase of 15.3 percent. That accounted for 87.6 percent of the total output value of industrial enterprises above a designated size.

Sixteen Xiangzhou enterprises were placed on the recent list of the fifth batch of specialized, elaborative, characteristic and emerging "little giant" small and medium-sized enterprises, issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The total number of "little giant" enterprises in Xiangzhou has now reached 24, ranking it first in Zhuhai.

The added value of the service industry in Xiangzhou during the six months was 56.66 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1 percent year-on-year, driving GDP growth of 3.2 percentage points and contributing 52.9 percent to economic growth in H1.

The retail industry recovered steadily, with sales rising by 4.7 percent to 22.38 billion yuan. The added value of the financial industry reached 13.06 billion yuan, rising by 11.5 percent year-on-year, accounting for 51.9 percent of the added value of the financial industry in Zhuhai.