
Xiangzhou welcomes Spring Festival cultural extravaganza Updated: February 5, 2024
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In recent days, multiple communities of Meihua sub-district in Xiangzhou district, Zhuhai, have organized a variety of cultural activities, creating a festive atmosphere for the upcoming Spring Festival.

Events included writing spring couplets at the Xingfa community and sending spring couplets to the Gangchang community. The calligraphy teacher at the Gangchang community wrote 88 couplets and more than 200 "Fu" (meaning fortune) for the residents.

These events have enriched young people's lives and promoted the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture, fostering a strong sense of celebration and enhancing neighborly bonds.

Furthermore, communities such as Yijing, Cuifu, Hongyun, and Fuhua have organized various themed activities, including cultural performances, fun sports events, and music shows, attracting active participation from residents.

These events also featured public service activities such as waste sorting promotion, emergency teaching, and anti-telecom fraud campaigns, providing a diverse and enriching Spring Festival experience for the community.

The Qianhe community has also organized a three-day Spring Festival charity event, providing warmth and support to special groups, disadvantaged veterans, and sanitation workers.


The Cuifu community carries out cultural performances to celebrate the upcoming Spring Festival. [Provided by Zhaozi to]