
Zhuhai's Gree School girls' basketball team wins U12 championship Updated: June 20, 2024
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Zhuhai's Gree School girls' basketball team triumphed recently in the 2023-2024 China Elementary School Basketball League Guangdong finals, emerging as U12 champions from among 40 teams.

Founded in 2020, the team includes 12 members, 10 of whom are children of Gree employees. Notable players include MVP and captain Zhu Manxin.

Over three days, the team showcased outstanding skills and enthusiasm, achieving the best result ever for a school in Zhuhai in a provincial basketball competition. Their performance embodied the spirit of perseverance and determination.

Gree School, established by the government of Zhuhai's Xiangzhou district and education department, aims to meet the education needs of Gree employees' children.

Since its inception, the school girls' basketball team has used a strategy of weekly internal games and bi-weekly external matches to build experience. Parental support and school resources have been crucial to their success. Looking ahead, the team is poised for more competition and challenges.


Over three days, the Gree School girls' basketball team showcases outstanding skills and enthusiasm. [Photo/WeChat account: zhxiangzhou]