Proposal to designate a National Teachers’ Day and arrange accompanying activities


We suggest that one of the following two dates be designated as the National Teachers' Day — April 1 or June 6 (the original Teachers' Day).

Proposal to take effective measures to promote universal education in a bid to achieve the Four Modernizations


China must promote universal education in order to become a modern socialist country that is highly democratic and civilized.

Proposal to immediately reinforce the implementation of policies and directives on the protection of cultural relics and to formulate a strictly-enforced law dedicated to that protection


We suggest that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council further study the importance and urgency of cultural relic protection.

Proposal to create employment opportunities and boost people’s employability


This year's Government Work Report noted that "employment is a pressing issue", which "will be solved with a well-conceived plan that takes care of all parties".

Proposal to edit and publish a Chinese character dictionary suitable for primary school students


The Chinese character dictionary currently available to primary school students is the Xinhua Dictionary, which is alphabetically arranged by pinyin.

Proposal for the relevant departments of the Party and the State Council to put forward guidelines on issues concerning the implementation of the Party’s policy on intellectuals


Reshape the public's biased views on intellectuals using various forms of publicity such as newspapers, radio, films and plays.

Proposal to set up work-study technical schools at the existing practice factories in colleges and universities to train students who are capable both physically and intellectually


It is more economical to set up work-study schools at the practice factories in colleges and universities than to do so at regular factories.

Proposal to quickly build up a large talent pool in science and technology in a bid to efficiently and economically modernize industry, agriculture and industry for national defense


Launch regular science and technology programs and campaigns tailored for the general public, and select talented youth through science and technology competitions.

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