Proposal to increase investment in the governance of the Yellow River


Issues about the interests of the upstream and downstream regions, the left and right bank, as well as regional governments and central departments, should be solved on a legal basis.

Proposal to establish a system that limits all government procurement to the bidding process, optimizes allocation of resources, and spurs anti-corruption and institutional reform of government


To stipulate the bidding method, we should speed up formulating public purchasing or bidding laws and train staff in charge of the work.

Proposal to improve property law to protect legitimate rights of all properties


Articles about protection of private properties in the Constitution should be revised to ensure justice and equality of law by specifying that socialist public property and legal private property are both protected.

Proposal to accelerate development of venture capital


Policies should define venture capital as a way to promote technological and economic development, especially in high-tech industries.

Proposal to crack down on production and sale of counterfeit commodities to promote healthy development of the socialist market economy


We suggest the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress revise related laws to step up efforts to ban production and sale of counterfeit commodities.

Proposal to formulate non-government funded education law


The aim of the proposed law is to promote healthy development of private education and ensure the education is given on a legal basis.

Proposal to ban building temples or outdoor Buddha statues without order


The General Office of the State Council should release documents to ban improperly building of temples or outdoor Buddha statues to be obeyed by local governments.

Proposal to implement eight solutions to re-employment


Employment is highly related to economic development. Growing unemployment is a worrying problem, which should be dealt with properly.

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