Charter of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)


Chapter IV: National Committee

Article 40

The participating organizations, the member quota and candidate members, and the makeup of the sectors of each National Committee, shall, after being reviewed and approved by the Chairperson's Council meeting of the previous National Committee, be decided upon through consultation by the Standing Committee.

In the event that, during the term of each National Committee, it is necessary to add or replace a participating organization, the member quota or select new members, after being reviewed and approved by the Chairperson's Council meeting of that National Committee, it shall be decided upon through consultation by the Standing Committee.

Article 41

The term of each National Committee shall be five years. In exceptional circumstances, on approval by a two-thirds majority vote of all the members of its Standing Committee, the term may be extended.

Article 42

The CPPCC National Committee shall have a Chairperson, a number of Vice-Chairpersons, and a Secretary -general.

Article 43

The CPPCC National Committee shall hold a plenary session annually. When the Standing Committee deems it necessary, it may call a session as the need arises.

Article 44

The Plenary Session of the CPPCC National Committee shall exercise the following functions:

1. Making amendments to the CPPCC Charter and overseeing the Charter's implementation;

2. Electing the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary-general, and members of the Standing Committee of the National Committee, and deciding upon additions or changes to the Standing Committee membership;

3. Engaging in consultation and deliberation on major national policies and important issues concerning economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement, and making suggestions and criticisms;

4. Hearing and deliberating the work reports of the Standing Committee;

5. Discussing and adopting resolutions on major working principles and tasks of the National Committee.

Article 45

The National Committee shall have a Standing Committee to attend to its day-to-day affairs.

The Standing Committee shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, and Secretary-general of the National Committee, and Standing Committee members; candidates for these positions shall be nominated by the political parties, organizations, ethnic groups, and people from all sectors of society participating in the National Committee, and they shall be elected by a plenary session of the National Committee.

The Standing Committee shall convene special meetings on major national policy at least twice a year.

Article 46

The CPPCC National Committee's Standing Committee shall exercise the following functions:

1. Interpreting the CPPCC Charter and overseeing the Charter's implementation;

2. Calling and presiding over National Committee plenary sessions; holding a preparatory meeting prior to the first plenary session of a new National Committee at which all members shall be present to elect a presidium to preside over the first plenary session;

3. Ensuring that the tasks stipulated in this Charter are fulfilled;

4. Executing National Committee plenary session resolutions;

5. When the National Committee is not in session, deliberating and approving important recommendations to be submitted to the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee or to the State Council;

6. Determining, through consultation, National Committee members;

7. On the basis of a proposal made by the Secretary-general, appointing or dismissing a Deputy Secretaries-general of the National Committee;

8. Determining the makeup or alteration of the working bodies of the National Committee, and appointing and dismissing their leading members.

Article 47

The Chairperson of the CPPCC National Committee presides over the work of the Standing Committee. The Vice-Chairpersons and Secretary-general assist the work of the Chairperson.

The Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, and Secretary-general make up the Chairperson's Council meeting and attend to the important day-to-day affairs of the Standing Committee.

The Chairperson's Council meeting is entrusted by the Standing Committee to preside over the preparatory meeting of the first plenary session of the next National Committee.

Article 48

The National Committee shall put in place a certain number of Deputy Secretaries-general to assist the Secretary-general in his or her work. It shall put in place a general office, which operates under the leadership of the Secretary-general.

Article 49

The CPPCC National Committee shall, based on work requirements and at the discretion of the Standing Committee, establish a certain number of special committees and other working bodies. Special committees should play a fundamental role in the work of the National Committee.

Chapter V: Local Committees

Article 50

Provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall set up CPPCC committees; autonomous prefectures, cities with administrative districts, counties, autonomous counties, cities with no administrative districts, and municipal districts, where circumstances allow, shall also establish CPPCC committees.

Article 51

The participating organizations, the member quota and candidate members, and the makeup of the sectors of a new local committee shall, after being reviewed and approved by the Chairperson's Council meeting of the previous local committee, be decided upon through consultation by that committee's standing committee. 

In the event that, during a local committee's term in office, it is necessary to add or replace a participating organization, the member quota or select new members, after being reviewed and approved by the Chairperson's Council meeting of that local committee, it shall be decided upon through consultation by the committee's standing committee.

Article 52

A CPPCC local committee of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefecture, city with administrative districts, county, autonomous county, city with no administrative districts, or municipal district shall serve a term of five years.

Article 53

A CPPCC local committee shall have a Chairperson, a certain number of Vice-Chairpersons and a Secretary-general.

Article 54

CPPCC Local committees at each level shall convene at least one plenary session every year.

Article 55

CPPCC Local committees at each level shall exercise the following functions:

1. Electing the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary-general, and members of its standing committee, and deciding upon additions or changes to the standing committee membership;

2. Hearing and deliberating its standing committee's work reports, reports on the handling of proposals, and other reports;

3. Deliberating on and adopting resolutions;

4. Participating in the discussion of important issues related to national and local affairs, and making suggestions and criticisms.

Article 56

CPPCC Local committees at each level shall set up standing committees to preside over committee affairs.

The standing committee of a local committee shall be comprised of a Chairperson, a certain number of Vice-Chairpersons, a Secretary-general, and standing committee members, to be elected by a plenary session of the local committee from among candidates nominated by the political parties, organizations, ethnic groups, and people from all sectors of society participating in the local committee.

Article 57

The standing committee of a CPPCC local committee shall exercise the following functions:

1. Calling and presiding over the local committee's plenary sessions, calling a preparatory meeting prior to the convening of the first plenary session of a new committee to elect a presidium to preside over the first plenary session;

2. Ensuring fulfillment of the tasks stipulated in this Charter and the national resolutions of the National Committee and regional resolutions of higher-level local committees;

3. Executing the resolutions of the local committee's plenary sessions;

4. When the local committee is not in session, deliberating and adopting important proposals to be submitted to the local People's Congress and its Standing Committee or to the local people's government;

5. Determining, through consultation, local committee members;

6. On the basis of a proposal made by the Secretary-general, appointing or dismissing Deputy Secretaries-general of the local committee;

7. Determining the makeup or alteration of the working bodies of the local committee and the appointment and dismissal of their leading members.

Article 58

The Chairperson of a local committee's standing committee presides over the work thereof. The Vice-Chairpersons and Secretary General assist the work of the Chairperson.

The Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons, and Secretary-general make up the Chairperson's Council meeting to attend to the important day-to-day work of the local committee's standing committee.

The Chairperson's Council meeting shall, entrusted by the standing committee, preside over the preparatory meeting of the first plenary session of the next local committee.

Article 59

Local committees at all levels may, as needs require, have one or several Deputy Secretaries General to assist the Secretary-general in his or her work.  

Article 60

The local committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall set up general offices and, according to actual local circumstances and work requirements and at the discretion of their standing committees, establish special committees and other working bodies.

The local committees of autonomous prefectures, cities with administrative districts, counties, autonomous counties, cities with no administrative districts, and municipal districts shall set up working bodies according to actual local circumstances and work requirements, and at the discretion of their standing committees.

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