Political adviser calls for quality products to promote cultural confidence

Updated: 2019-03-10chinadaily.com.cn


Yao Aixing, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, delivers a speech on behalf of the China Association for Promoting Democracy during the second session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 10, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

Developing quality products is an effective way to improve cultural confidence, Chinese national political advisers said. 

Yao Aixing, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said quality products play important roles in adhering to cultural confidence. 

In recent years, a number of excellent cultural products have emerged in the country, which not only reflects the cultural value of the Chinese nation but also a high level of artistry. This has been welcomed by audiences, Yao said. 

They include documentaries such as National Treasure, A Bite of China, China Reinvents Itself, China's Mega Projects and The Only Path, and variety shows such as the Chinese Poetry Competition and the Chinese Idiom Congress. 

"These works are in line with the times and tell of Chinese wisdom, spirit and strength to the world, and also play roles in resolutely promoting cultural confidence," Yao said. 

However, most of the TV shows tend to be entertainment-oriented, Yao noted. 

According to a survey conducted by the China Association for Promoting Democracy, overseas books accounted for 75.05 percent of those used in the country's kindergartens, with the proportion rising to 88.45 percent in primary schools. 

The figures show that children are kept away from more education about Chinese culture, Yao said. 

He noted attaching importance to inheritance and development of traditional culture as being important factors. 

"We should always adhere to creative transformation and innovative development in artistic creation as well as keep the traditional culture up-to-date in light of evolving circumstances," Yao said. 

He called for continuing the promotion of the great achievements of reform and construction, and further enriching excellent works. 

"With the requirements of the times, we should innovate the ways and means of ideological, moral and cultural education for teenagers," Yao said, calling for measures such as making better use of public cultural resources like museums in the carrying out educational activities. Innovating the organization of school education, and running more courses on classic reading and art appreciation were also important, he said. 

Culture exerts a significant influence on the spirit, virtue and social morality, Yao said. 

 "With concerted efforts from society, we have the confidence that sound cultural products will become more enriched and help to strengthen the cultural DNA of the Chinese nation," Yao said.

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