Better using overseas Chinese resources in Belt and Road development



Li Zhuobin, a national political adviser, speaks at the fourth plenary meeting of the second session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee in Beijing on March 11. [Photo/Xinhua] 

Overseas Chinese including Qian Xuesen, a founding figure of the atomic and hydrogen bombs and satellites, made important contributions to the development of the Chinese nation, promoted China's peaceful unification and enhanced the Chinese people's friendly cooperation with those from other countries. 

Many returned overseas Chinese and their relatives have become new blood and the backbones of different fields in the country as well as envoys of friendship and culture connecting China and the world.

Since the reform and opening-up policy was adopted, overseas Chinese have been more closely related to China's development and changes. Statistics showed more than 60 percent of the foreign capital that China has attracted since then is from overseas Chinese and more than 70 percent of the foreign-funded companies are overseas Chinese companies. More than 90 percent of the oversea high-level professionals attracted by the country have been overseas and ethnic Chinese. 

As participants, pioneers and beneficiaries of reform and opening-up, overseas Chinese felt from their own experience that powerful China is forever their strong backup force. They found that economic globalization featuring opening-up, inclusiveness, balance and a win-win outlook, as well as a community with a shared future for mankind are inevitable orientations for the world's development. 

The Belt and Road Initiative carries on concepts and wishes of win-win cooperation and mutual development and also the ideal and actual pursuit of building an interconnection network and a community with a shared future for mankind. It greatly inspires the passionate desire of overseas Chinese to participate and is a new historic stage on which they can realize and share the Chinese dream. 

As natural bridges connecting China and the outside world, overseas Chinese have distinctive advantages in building the Belt and Road and should play a bigger role.

Therefore, I propose:

First, fully use the advantages that overseas Chinese have all over the world, especially their large numbers and business networks in countries involved in the initiative. We should actively participate in cooperation projects such as important infrastructure and industrial parks, integrate overseas Chinese business people's resources, set up industry alliances and formulate service standards. 

We should promote transnational allocation of resources such as information, capital and technology and reduce negative influence of potential trade and investment barriers. We will appropriately use channels including overseas Chinese schools and newspapers to extensively introduce benefits that the initiative brings to the mainstream society and local people. We will use the voices of overseas Chinese to tell Chinese stories, portray good images of China, promote foreign people, companies and societies' understanding of China and help foster win-win cooperation between China and other economies. 

Second, we should fully use overseas Chinese people-to-people friendly associations to serve high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

With the world's big changes and adjustments, State-owned backbone companies play the key role in the initiative and believe strongly that the unique role of overseas Chinese resources should be valued.

The overseas Chinese are willing and able to shoulder responsibilities. We should strengthen business work planning, expand our vision, innovate methods and practically and effectively guide overseas Chinese to promote people-to-people communication. 

We should also create favorable conditions for overseas Chinese to develop their careers and take up the opportunities related to the initiative, sharing related positive outcomes. 

Third, it is important to follow the opportunities brought by the new round of scientific, technological and industrial changes, take advantage of overseas Chinese innovative resources, actively explore new trade modes involving cross-border e-commerce, keep becoming more internationally competitive and promote related industrial partnership projects driven by innovation. 

We should enhance a sense of self-discipline and rules, conscientiously obey local laws and respect intellectual properties. We must take advantage of overseas Chinese's expertise on overseas markets and international rules to accurately study and judge political situations, pre-warn of any risk, flexibly use rules to avoid disputes and better participate in implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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