A national political adviser proposed that China should make full use of cutting-edge technologies to further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights.
The country can utilize emerging technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence to build a national platform for IPR protection, Cai Jinchai, a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said in his proposal.
Cai, also chairman of Fujian Pan-Pan Foods Co Ltd, said the step can help integrate the existing warning and monitoring systems set up by local governments. "Data generated by the IPR protection platform can be shared with the national credit system," he added.
In addition, the utilization of internet Plus technologies can increase the efficiency of reviewing patents and trademarks, in order to help companies save costs in protecting their intellectual property rights, he said in the proposal.
In a January meeting organized by the CPPCC National Committee, several attendees expressed similar views that it is necessary for China to adapt to the situation when new technologies and industries emerged, and to expedite policy design regarding IPR in the internet age.
China has made concerted efforts in IPR protection. A major step was that the National Intellectual Property Administration released a plan on "internet plus" IPR protection in August. It aims to build a centralized smart system for the recognition of infringements by 2020.
The system would support the crackdown on piracy and counterfeiting by means of online fake identification, permanent internet monitoring and tracing the fake products to the source, according to a document.
Xie Shanghua, also a CPPCC National Committee member, proposed that a favorable financial ecosystem is needed to protect intellectual property.
"The construction of a financial system and mechanism related to IP is not yet sufficient. There is still a shortage of talents in this filed," Xie, director of Sichuan Intellectual Property Service Promotion Center, said in her proposal.
She suggested China improve institutional mechanisms to provide a guarantee for IPR protection, innovate financial products and cultivate financial talents for this area.
Data showed China's efforts on IPR protection have paid off. China ranked 17th in terms of "the most innovative economies" in the annual Global Innovation Index released in July by the World Intellectual Property Organization and Cornell University in the United States.
The ratio of foreign enterprises winning IPR lawsuits in China is more than 80 percent, making the country a favorite venue for multinationals to launch IPR suits, according to an article published on the US-based Diplomat website.
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