Top adviser calls for more efforts to improve quality of education

Updated: 2019-08-29China Daily


Students learn how to design, build, program and test robots to perform a variety of tasks at a training course offered by China's IT education provider Tarena International. [Photo provided to China Daily]

China's top political adviser, Wang Yang, called on other political advisers nationwide on Wednesday to contribute their wisdom in helping achieve an education system that can meet the demands of people.

The Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference concluded a three-day session on Wednesday that was themed on quality development of education.

Wang Yang, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, said that since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has established the largest education system in the world and enjoys a high global ranking.

However, there is still a long way to go before the country can cultivate an education system that satisfies all people, he said.

He added that as socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, the contradiction between people's increasing demand for quality education and the unbalanced and inadequate development of education is more prominent.

"We must continue to regard moral cultivation as the fundamental task of education, promote educational equity and improve the income and social status of teachers," Wang said.

He said that the social foundation of achieving a successful education is that the whole society and every family should have a scientific view of education and success, and correctly understand the purpose of education.

Wang called on political advisers to actively promote the country's educational policies, do more to remove doubts and build consensus, and guide the public to have a more comprehensive and rational understanding of education.

During the session, the political advisers discussed seven topics including preschool education, rural education, vocational education, private education and teachers' welfare. Their suggestions will be handed over to government departments.

Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan briefed the political advisers about recent developments in the education sector, calling for joint efforts from various sectors to create a favorable environment for improving education services.

Zhang Qingli, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, urged political advisers to pool their wisdom and offer constructive proposals on education development.

The CPPCC is an important organ for political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Members serve as advisers in government, legislatures and judiciaries and put forward proposals on major political and social issues.

Xinhua contributed to this story.

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