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Updated: 2020-02-11chinadaily.com.cn



From March 3 to 12, the 9th CPPCC National Committee held its fourth session in Beijing. Attending members endorsed the draft outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-05) and Premier Zhu Rongji's report on the draft outline.


From June 25 to 28, the Standing Committee of the 9th CPPCC National Committee convened its 18th meeting in Beijing. Discussions focused on preventing desertification, implementing the nine-year compulsory education policy, raising the living standards of the urban poor and tackling problems troubling cities dependent on nonrenewable resources.  

On Dec 25, the CPPCC magazine was launched.


From March 3 to 14, the 10th CPPCC National Committee convened its first session in Beijing. Jia Qinglin was elected chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee.

From March 14 to 15, the Standing Committee of the 10th CPPCC National Committee met for the first time in Beijing. Attending members decided to create nine special committees of the CPPCC National Committee, which were: the Committee for Handling Proposals, the Committee for Economic Affairs, the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment, the Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Committee, the Committee for Social and Legal Affairs, the Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs, the Committee for Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese, the Committee for Foreign Affairs and the Committee of Historical Records. 


From Aug 23 to 24, the CPPCC National Committee held a symposium to commemorate the centenary of Deng Xiaoping's birth and to discuss his theories on the CPPCC.

From Aug 26 to Sept 10, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin paid an official visit to South Korea, Austria, Spain and Portugal at their invitation.

On Sept 20, the CPPCC News website, jointly created by People's Daily Online and the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee, was launched. Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin instructed that the website was to be developed to a high level of quality. 

On Sept 21, a conference was held in Beijing to mark the 55th anniversary of the founding of the CPPCC.


From May 7 to 23, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin visited Mexico, Cuba, Colombia and Uruguay at their invitation.

From June 9 to 10, Wang Zhongyu, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, led a delegation to attend the ninth plenary session of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions held in Paris at its invitation. Wang was elected president of the organization. 


On March 20, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin left Beijing for an official visit to Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.

On June 2, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin and Vice-Chairwoman of the CPPCC National Committee Liu Yandong attended celebrations on the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. 

On Nov 17, the Forum on Boosting the Healthy Development of the Non-Public Sector opened in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province. The forum was jointly organized by the Committee for Economic Affairs of the CPPCC National Committee, the National Development and Reform Commission and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.


On May 14, the CPPCC National Committee held a fundraiser for earthquake victims. All the proceeds, totaling 9.3 million yuan ($1.33 million) and HK$17.1 million ($2.2 million), went to the China Charity Federation. 



From April 2 to 13, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin paid an official visit to Myanmar, Australia and Samoa at their invitation. 

On July 18, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin met with Barry O'Farrell, premier of New South Wales of Australia, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

On Sept 20, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin met with Chairman of the Slovenian National Committee Kafic at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

From Oct 23 to Nov 5, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin visited Greece, the Netherlands and Germany at their invitation.


From Jan 27 to 31, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin attended the opening ceremony of the 18th African Union Summit held in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, and then began an official visit to the country.

From April 13 to 25, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin paid an official visit to New Zealand, Brunei and Thailand at their invitation. 

On Nov 27, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin left Beijing for an official visit to Italy, Costa Rica and Argentina.


On Feb 1, the general office of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, the general logistics department of the People's Liberation Army and the general office of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China held a forum in the Great Hall of the People to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hong Xuezhi.

On Feb 3, Jia Qinglin, chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, went to Cambodia to attend the funeral of the late king Norodom Sihanouk. At the invitation of the Malaysian government, Jia paid an official and friendly visit to the country from Feb 4 to 7.

On March 3, the first session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee held its opening ceremony in the Great Hall of the People. Yu Zhengsheng, executive chairman of the presidium, presided over the meeting. Jia Qinglin, chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, delivered a work report on behalf of the national committee's standing committee.

On March 5, the first session of the 12th National People's Congress held its opening meeting in the Great Hall of the People and Wen Jiabao, then premier of the State Council, delivered the government work report. Members of the CPPCC National Committee attended the meeting.

The first session of the Standing Committee of the 12th CPPCC National Committee was held from March 12 to 13. Participants examined and adopted the decision of the standing committee to set up special committees; the appointment list of deputy secretary-generals of the 12th national committee; and the list of chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of the special committees.

On April 3, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, investigated how the CPPCC Daily, the CPPCC's official publication, better publicizes news and information of the CPPCC, and visited the newspaper's members of staff.

On April 26, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Mohamed Ould Haimer, president of the Mauritanian Economic and Social Council (ESC), in the Great Hall of the People.

On April 27, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Catherine Ashton, high representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and vice-president of the European Commission, in the Great Hall of the People.

On May 13, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Mikhail Babich, Russia's Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District, in the Great Hall of the People.

On May 14, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Irish parliamentary leaders Sean Barrett and Paddy Burke in the Great Hall of the People.

From May 23 to 28, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, visited Hotan, Kashgar, Ili and Urumqi in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

From May 25 to June 4, invited by Ghana's parliament and Namibia's national committee, Ma Biao, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, led a delegation to visit the two countries.

From May 30 to June 8, invited by the parliaments of Finland, Sweden and Denmark, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, paid official and friendly visits to the three countries.

On June 13, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Parliament of Finland Speaker Eero Heinaluoma, who was invited by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs to visit China, in the CPPCC auditorium. 

Zhang Qingli, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, attended the ceremony in which Wu Lisheng, a member of the national committee from Macao, donated five murals on the Hexi Corridor culture to the committee in the CPPCC auditorium.

On June 13, Zhou Xiaochuan, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Parliament Speaker Eero Heinaluoma of Finland in Beijing.

From June 14 to 16, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, visited Fuzhou, the Pingtan comprehensive experimental zone and Xiamen in Fujian province to investigate their work related to Taiwan.

On June 16, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the fifth Straits Forum in Xiamen. 

On June 18, the second session of the Standing Committee of the 12th CPPCC National Committee had group discussions on promoting green development. Below are the main conclusions. 

First, implement the overall requirements of such development; second, improve the layout of development; third, enhance protections of ecological systems as well as environmental protections; four, change the path of economic development to better balance economic growth and natural resources; five, save resources and use them efficiently; and six, strengthen legal and institutional guarantees for ecological development.

On June 20, Lin Wenyi, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with the delegation of Chinese associations in France, led by Chi Wansheng, in the working body of the CPPCC National Committee.

On June 26, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, had a courtesy meeting with Jean-Marie Tassoua, president of the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Congo, in the Great Hall of the People.

On July 2, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with the delegation of Thailand's upper house of parliament in the CPPCC auditorium.

On July 2, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with the Asian communication association delegation from Japan in the CPPCC auditorium.

On July 3, Wan Gang, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with and entertained a delegation from the German federal parliament.

On July 3, Zhang Qingli, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Wang Shucheng, publisher of the Wen Wei Po.

From July 3 to 7, the delegation of the China Committee on Religion and Peace went to Japan to participate in the Northeast Asia peace seminar.

On July 29, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Phanhdouangchith Vongsa, president of the Standing Committee of the Lao Front for National Construction, in the CPPCC auditorium.

On July 29, Zhang Qingli, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, talked with Phanhdouangchith Vongsa, president of the Standing Committee of the Lao Front for National Construction, in the working body of the CPPCC National Committee.

On Aug 6, the then Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Committee had a discussion with a parliamentary delegation from Illinois, USA, about issues including education, culture, medicine and health.

From Aug 7 to 14, Wan Gang, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, led a delegation of the CPPCC National Committee to visit Burma and Indonesia.

On Aug 12, Ma Biao, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Andrian Candu, vice-president of the Democratic Party of Moldova and vice-president of the Moldovan Parliament, who had been invited by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs to visit China, in the Great Hall of the People.

From Aug 12 to 13, a Go friendship competition between the CPPCC members and the members of South Korean parliament was held in the CPPCC auditorium. Ma Biao, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, attended the closing ceremony and gave prizes to winners.

On Aug 16, Zhang Qingli, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Gaston Browne, head of the Antigua Labour Party and the opposition leader of the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda, who had been invited to visit China by the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, in the CPPCC's working body.

On Aug 19, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with a South Korean delegation from the 13th Sino-South Korea Noted People Forum in the Great Hall of the People. The delegation had been invited by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs to visit China.

On Aug 23, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Amado Boudou, vice-president and speaker of the Senate of Argentina, in the Great Hall of the People. Boudou visited China at the invitation of then vice-president Li Yuanchao.

On Aug 26, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with the leading body of the Buddhist Association of China in the Great Hall of the People and took a photo with representatives who attended the ceremony, which was in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the association's foundation.

On Aug 26, Zhang Qingli, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, presided over the sixth secretary-general office meeting of the 12th CPPCC National Committee and studied answers to the proposals submitted to the first session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee.

On Aug 30, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with the delegation of the Japanese Democratic Party, invited by the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC to visit China, in the Great Hall of the People.

On Sept 18, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with the delegation from the Friends of Hong Kong Association in the CPPCC auditorium. Yu fully affirmed contributions that the association had made and gave suggestions to CPPCC members from Hong Kong.

He hoped they would insist on "one country, two systems" and the basic rule of law, and make more contributions to communication between Hong Kong and the mainland. He also hoped they support the Hong Kong government and actively organize events for youths in Hong Kong.

From Sept 21 to 29, invited by Mozambique's parliament and Ethiopian house of federation, Qi Xuchun, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, led a delegation to visit the two countries.

On Oct 10, Han Qide, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with a delegation of Californian Chinese officials led by Shen Shikang, vice-mayor of Alhambra in California, in the CPPCC National Committee's working body.

On Oct 11, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, as well as Han Qide and Zhang Qingli, vice-chairmen of the committee, attended an event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Western Returned Scholars Association in the Great Hall of the People.

From Oct 17 to 27, invited by the parliaments of Spain, Bulgaria and Malta, Du Qinglin, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, paid friendly visits to the countries.

From Oct 17 to 21, Fang Xingyao, a member of the Standing Committee of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, led a delegation of the China Committee on Religion and Peace to visit South Korea. Fang attended the Asia Conference on Religion and Peace held in the country from Oct 21 to 27.

On Oct 21, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Magaret Mensah-Williams, vice-chair of the National Council of Namibia in the Great Hall of the People. Ma Biao, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, talked with her in the committee's working body on Oct 20.

On Oct 28, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Jacob Wallenberg, chairman of the board of Investor AB in the CPPCC auditorium.

On Oct 30, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Sidarto Danusubroto, chairman of Indonesia's People's Consultative Assembly in the CPPCC auditorium.

On Oct 30, Li Haifeng, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Dhanin Chearavanont, president of the China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association, in Beijing.

On Nov 12, the 12th CPPCC National Committee held a ceremony to mark the 147th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen in Zhongshan Park in Beijing.

On Nov 23, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Sam Nujoma, former president of Namibia who was invited by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs to visit China, in the Great Hall of the People.

On Nov 26, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with a delegation from the Party of European Socialists led by Jan Royall, vice-president of the party, in the CPPCC auditorium.

On Nov 26, Wang Zhengwei, vice-chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Dioncounda Traore, Mali's former acting president, invited by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs to visit China, in the Great Hall of the People.

On Dec 16, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Bogdan Borusewicz, marshal of the Senate of Poland, in the CPPCC auditorium.

On Dec 17, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met with Mihail Mikov, speaker of the Bulgarian Parliament, in the CPPCC auditorium.

On Dec 24, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, met Yukio Hatoyama, former prime minister of Japan, invited by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, in the CPPCC auditorium.

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