Proposal abstracts and advice from CPPCC members on fighting against COVID-19

Updated: 2020-02-21

Wu Gang: Improving the emergency management system 

Emergency management is an important part of the national governance system. We should not only learn lessons from the experience of the epidemic but also reflect on any shortcomings. 

First, it is necessary to improve contingency plan management. We can consolidate risk analysis and an assessment of emergencies and promote our capabilities in integrating, analyzing and judging emergency information. 

We may set up a three-dimensional network system involving central and local governments and also organizations and individuals, and establish effective mechanisms for monitoring, forecasting, early warning and quick response. 

It is necessary to improve systems of reporting and releasing accident and disaster information, as well as responding efficiently, in the early period. It is also important to quickly shift from normal management to non-normal command, and to balance emergency disposal and social orders. 

Second, we must strengthen the emergency force system. We should have high-level and all-weather emergency rescue forces that can handle diverse disasters. It should be required that governmental leaders spend work time on emergency drills and training every year. 

It is necessary to develop better emergency service teams and establish complete systems involving professional selection, qualification authentication, training and performance assessment. 

Third, improve guarantee systems for goods and materials. It is important to better guarantee production capacity of key emergency materials and scientifically adjust reserve categories, scales and structures.

Four, emphasize improving publicity and education systems. I suggest we publicize information about public security, emergency management, disaster prevention and relief, as well as self-rescue. It is also important to reinforce information disclosure, face up to problems and respond to people's concerns. 

(Wu is former secretary of the Army Discipline Inspection Commission.) 

Huang Xiqin: Protecting the private economy and overcoming the epidemic situation together 

More than 90 percent of China's companies are small and medium-sized enterprises. Due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia, many private SMEs, especially those in the modern service sector, have encountered severe operational difficulties and need governments to take measures to help them. 

First, I suggest temporary salary standards for employees should be stipulated during the epidemic. Governmental agencies may allow companies to offer salaries according to the lowest income standard or living guarantee standard. This could reduce the corporate pressure of labor cost and avoid bankruptcy and unemployment. 

Second, give tax preferences to private SMEs, especially modern service companies. I suggest authorities reduce the service businesses' value-added tax, maintenance fees for urban construction and educational sub-charges by 50 percent to subsidize the cost of epidemic prevention and control. 

Third, I suggest we establish aid funds for SMEs that were set up less than three years ago and meet national policy orientation. The funds could be used to create supply chains that can prevent and withstand risks, and train services such as operation and management and professional services such as accountancy and asset evaluation. 

Fourth, we may support insurance companies to play a bigger role in China's management of public health emergencies. I suggest related authorities learn from developed countries and promote the insurance sector to make companies the focus of risk management service for public health emergencies. They can also develop insurance products for business interruption and cancel insurance targeting such emergencies (infectious diseases). 

(Huang is chairman of a Guangdong-based asset appraisal company.) 

Chen Mengshan: Quickly correcting over-prevention measures against the disease 

It is necessary that Hubei province and Wuhan upgrade prevention and control measures against the disease. However, in less affected rural areas, very strict measures are taken, and some extreme actions have caused antipathy among the general public. 

Recently, there have emerged positive changes and we may fully use big data and information to scientifically and accurately implement policies and avoid blindly following suit. 

While I stay at home recently, I find that strong immunity is important for defeating COVID-19.

I think balanced nutrition can help us get better immunity. Human bodies need diverse nutrients and more than 40 kinds of nutrients cannot be or barely are compound in the bodies, yet are being received from different foods.

Dietary bias directly influences the quantities and activities of immune cells. Medical statistics show that 70 percent of chronic diseases are caused by poor diet. We should have a good diet to prevent basic diseases.

Reasonable physical exercise is also important. We can take up one suitable exercise, which may reduce stress and intensify antibodies' functions. 

It is necessary to get good sleep and have an optimistic mindset. Good sleep helps bodies produce enough lymphocyte, leucocyte and macrophage that can wipe out bacteria and viruses. 

Stress may increase hormones and inhibit the immune system. Being optimistic and broad-minded may make immune cells active and increase immunity. 

(Chen is former secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) 

Dong Qiang: Formulating policies to reduce the effects of the disease and guarantee normal social and economic operations 

I suggest we mitigate the long-term impacts of the epidemic as much as possible and formulate a whole set of policies, involving finance, tax, investment, imports and exports, corporate relief and employment and entrepreneurship of college students, urban residents and farmers, that are used during and after the epidemic period. 

It is necessary to guarantee farmers' enthusiasm for timely crop and vegetable planting and for keeping animals, help rural migrant workers to return to work as soon as possible and recover imports and exports. It is important to offer financial support to return roads, railways, civil aviation and water transport to normal and to guarantee production, storage and transportation in industries such as coal, electricity and oil and gas. 

We should also stabilize stock and bond markets and quickly crack down on speculators who destroy market stability. 

First, me must offer necessary relief and financial support to farmers both during and after the epidemic period. 

Second, companies must give living subsidies and lost earnings subsidies to migrant workers, and governments should cut the companies' taxes. 

Third, give relief to individual industrialists and businessmen, such as reducing and exempting taxes and offering petty loans without interest. 

Fourth, reduce and exempt charges for some expressways during the epidemic and recovery period to make it more convenient to transport goods and materials. 

Last, reduce and exempt taxes of industries badly affected by the epidemic, such as catering, tourism, films, education and training, taxis and express delivery.

(Dong is former chairman of China State Shipbuilding Corp) 

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