Proposal to conduct a five-day work schedule


Year: at the third session of the 8th CPPCC National Committee held in 1995

Proposal No: 1118

Proposers: four national political advisers including Wang Xiancai



The United States has adopted a five-day, 40-hour week for workers since 1933. Countries in western Europe started to cut working hours in the 1940s and 1950s, and many have followed that lead. Developing countries also began to cut working hours in the 1970s. A five-day work schedule is now a trend. 

Since China has quickly moved forward to modernization and accelerated reform and opening-up, the demand for a five-day work schedule is very strong among employees. Shortening working time marks social progress and modern civilization, and is an inevitable result for social and economic development. Improved labor productivity mainly results from technology and management, as well as the capabilities of workers, not from extension of working hours. Sample surveys show more than 80 percent of employees are willing to shorten working hours and have one more day off every week, instead of working one more day and earning an extra day's salary. A five-day work schedule meets the demands of the public. It should be approved after sufficient surveying and research.

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