Summary of proposals to CPPCC National Committee on epidemic control, economic and social development


Since the novel coronavirus outbreak, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the central committees of non-Communist parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as personages without party affiliation, have been making suggestions on how to combat the epidemic while ensuring achieving goals of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and poverty alleviation. The proposals are as follows: 

Beefing up epidemic prevention and control

First, strengthening legal safeguard for public health.

1. Improving laws and regulations concerning public health. Efforts are needed to further amend laws including the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, the wildlife protection law, the regulations for the implementation of the protection of terrestrial wild animals, the Animal Husbandry Law and the law on animal epidemic prevention, with the aim of addressing the problems that have arisen during the epidemic.

2. Establishing the national biosafety safeguard system. Strengthening legislation on biosafety. Formulating the national biosafety strategy and planning the national biosafety command and defense system. Strengthening systems of technological research and development, talent funding guarantee, and gene resource protection.

3. Promoting the implementation of laws and regulations. Improving law enforcement management systems; strengthening supervision of law enforcement; cracking down on all kinds of illegal actions and crimes; improving the list of wild animals hunting and eating of which are forbidden and being strict in the approval of wild animal artificial breeding licenses and inspection and quarantine. 

Second, improving disease prevention and control systems.

1. Strengthening disease prevention and control measures and promoting their reform.

2. Strengthening medical education and training, the construction of teams of public health workers and the development of grassroots medical organizations.

3. Improving the structure and systems of clinical medical personnel training. 

Third, improving major epidemic prevention and treatment systems.

1. Enhancing the emergency response capacity for a major epidemic outbreak.

2. Strengthening medical systems, the emergency response capabilities of grassroots medical institutions, the role of infectious disease sections of specialized hospitals in conventional diagnosis, the key treatment function of general hospitals, and technology application in regional medical centers.

3. Utilizing information technology to conduct monitoring and analysis. 

Fourth, improving the unified and emergency material guarantee system.

1. Formulating the national material reserve law.

2. Enhancing the capability of material reserves and optimizing the layout of production capability based on the national strategic material reserve system.

3. Mobilizing forces to establish a prompt and efficient national emergency material distribution system. 

Fifth, conducting psychological counseling and public opinion guidance.

1. Conducting psychological assistance. Planning a psychological assistance program with detailed implementation rules as soon as possible; establishing an online and offline mental rescue service system; analyzing and assessing the target population to carry out hierarchical assistance and formulating related publications, including the guide for post-epidemic psychological assistance.

2. Promoting the spirit of combating the epidemic in society.

3. Guiding the public to cultivate good public health habits. 

Promoting social and economic development

First, attain the target of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This includes resuming production and normal life in an orderly manner, increasing policy adjustments, unleashing the great potential and strong momentum of China's development, and minimizing the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

1. Mobilizing all resources to win the battle against poverty. Giving priority to offering jobs to disadvantaged populations, supporting the resumption of the poverty alleviation industry, and increasing support for people who have been impoverished by the epidemic.

2. Overcoming difficulties to accomplish the year's economic goal. Encouraging companies to discover emerging technology, new business and new commercial models; Accelerating the integration of the internet and the real economy, and establishing businesses of smart communities.

3. Rolling out incentive policies for all walks of life. 

Second, promoting targeted measures to push for work resumption and employment.

1. Giving priority to resume major projects and industries, building logistics supporting systems for major projects, and cataloging companies in need of major safeguarding.

2. Areas not struck badly by the epidemic are required to ensure the essential continuation of manufacturing and implement incentivization policies to support work resumption, in combination with local regulations on individual isolations.

3. Assessing the problems of labor shortages in labor-intensive enterprises, strengthening the coordination of industrial chains to meet the needs of production after the resumption of work and ensuring that upstream and downstream industries can resume work and production.

4. Striving to expand export credit insurance coverage. Promoting the experience of encouraging foreign trade companies to handle export credit insurance in a bid to help companies deal with risks in the export process.

5. Supporting and assisting farmers in resuming work. 

Third, increasing support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

1. Expanding the support of tax preference items.

2. Easing companies' capital pressure.

3. Introducing targeted financial products.

4. Working with industry associations.

5. Increasing protection and assistance for bankrupt enterprises. 

Fourth, focusing on agricultural production in the Spring.

1. Organizing agricultural production in an orderly manner.

2. Facilitating the connection between supply and demand of agricultural products online.

3. Strengthening epidemic prevention and control and risk management for animal husbandry.

4. Accelerating the management of the living environment in rural areas based on epidemic prevention and control.

5. Carrying out measures to increase farmers' revenue. 

Fifth, unleashing the potential and driving force of China's development.

1. Scientifically set goals for economic development. Clarifying the bottom line of employment security, high-quality development and the efficient prevention and control of risk.

2. Accelerating industrial transformation and upgrading. Increasing the research and development of core technologies and the production of key components; cooperating with overseas pharmaceutical companies via mergers and acquisitions, investing and holding shares.

3. Deepening international and regional cooperation in epidemic prevention and control.

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