Xi sends messages of sympathy over COVID-19 outbreak

Updated: 2020-03-21chinadaily.com.cn/Xinhua

President Xi Jinping has sent messages of sympathy to French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Spanish King Felipe VI and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic over the outbreak of the COVID-19. 

Xi calls for building community of common health for mankind 

President Xi Jinping said China stands ready to work with France to boost international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control and build a community of common health for mankind. 

Xi made the remarks in a recent message to French President Emmanuel Macron, in which he extended sincere sympathies on behalf of the Chinese government and people to their French counterparts over the COVID-19 outbreak in the European country. 

China and France have a fine tradition of helping each other and sharing weal and woe in bilateral relations, said Xi, who thanked the French government and society for their support of and sympathies with China's all-out battle against the novel coronavirus disease. 

Pointing out that public health security is a common challenge faced by humanity, he said the Chinese government and people firmly support France's efforts against the COVID-19 epidemic, and stand ready to boost cooperation with France and jointly win the battle through mutual support and help. 

Both as permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and France share the important responsibility of safeguarding the lives and health of the entire human race, Xi stressed. 

China, he added, is willing to make concerted efforts with France to enhance international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control, support the United Nations and the World Health Organization playing a core role in improving global public health governance, and build a community of common health for mankind. 

Xi stressed that he attaches great importance to the development of China-France relations, and stands ready to work with Macron to properly coordinate all aspects of work related to epidemic control and bilateral relations, so as to ensure that the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership will ride out the COVID-19 test and continue to move forward. 

Xi says solidarity, cooperation most powerful weapon against public health crises

Public health crises pose a common challenge for humanity, and solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapon to tackle them, President Xi Jinping said in a recent message of sympathy to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

In his message, Xi, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, expressed sincere sympathies to the German government and people over the recent COVID-19 outbreak in the European country. 

Xi recalled that not long ago the German government and various sections of German society conveyed via multiple means their sympathies with and support of China's epidemic prevention and control efforts. 

China firmly supports Germany's endeavor in combating the epidemic and is willing to provide assistance within its capacity if there is a need from the German side, he said. 

Upholding the principle that mankind is a community with a shared future, China stands ready to continue sharing information and experience with Germany, and strengthening cooperation in such areas as epidemic prevention and control, treatment of patients, and vaccine research and development, so as to jointly protect the health and well-being of people not only in both countries but in the rest of the world, Xi added. 

Xi stressed that China highly values the development of China-Germany relations, and is willing to work with the German side to deepen their all-round strategic partnership and promote the development of China-Europe relations. 

Xi says COVID-19 fight to succeed with joint efforts

China and Spain will certainly be able to win the final victory over the COVID-19 epidemic as long as they make joint efforts with the international community, President Xi Jinping said in a message of sympathy recently sent to Spanish King Felipe VI. 

On behalf of the Chinese government and people, Xi extended sincere sympathies to the Spanish government and people over the recent COVID-19 outbreak in the European country. 

China, Xi said, firmly supports Spain's efforts and measures in fighting the novel coronavirus disease, and stands ready to share prevention and control experience as well as diagnostic and treatment plans, and provide assistance and support within its capacity. 

Mankind is a community with a shared future, and only through solidarity and coordination can mankind overcome this public health security challenge, added the Chinese president. 

Xi said he highly values the development of China-Spain relations, and believes that through the joint fight against the epidemic, the two countries' friendship and mutual trust will grow stronger, and their win-win cooperation closer, so as to benefit both nations and their people. 

Xi says China to send medical experts to help Serbia fight COVID-19

China will provide Serbia with assistance in protective equipment and medical instruments, and send a group of medical experts to help it better contain the COVID-19 epidemic, President Xi Jinping said in a recent message of sympathy to his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic. 

In his message, Xi, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, extended sincere sympathies to the Serbian government and people over the recent COVID-19 outbreak in the Balkan country.

China and Serbia are comprehensive strategic partners, and the iron-clad friendship between the two countries and between the two peoples has stood the test of time and grown ever stronger, Xi stressed. 

Recalling that when the Chinese people was making an all-out effort to fight the novel coronavirus disease, the Serbian government and people offered China strong support through concrete actions, Xi said he is deeply grateful for that. 

China firmly supports Serbia's efforts against the epidemic, Xi said, adding that China will provide Serbia with assistance in protective equipment and medical instruments, and help it purchase urgently needed supplies in China.

China will also send a group of medical experts to help Serbia better contain the epidemic, so as to protect the life, health and well-being of the Serbian people, he added.

Xi said he attaches great importance to the development of China-Serbia relations, and believes that through the joint battle against the epidemic, the two countries' time-tested traditional friendship will gain more hearty support from their people, and their comprehensive strategic partnership will grow deeper and rise to a higher level.

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