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Whole-Process People's Democracy Is a Truly Unique Form of Democracy

By Qiu Ping Source: Updated: 2024-08-02

Whole-process people's democracy is a great innovation that has resulted from the CPC's efforts to unite and lead the people in pursuing, developing, and realizing democracy. It is a truly unique form of democracy. Embedded in China's historical, social, and cultural fabric, it has evolved out of the great endeavors of the CPC and the people to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote socialist political advancement. It is a tremendous achievement in our efforts to integrate Marxist democratic theory with the practical development of socialist democracy in China, as well as a significant political accomplishment for humanity as a whole. 

First, in steadfastly pursuing a Chinese path of democratic development, we have created a systematic set of concepts and ideas for guiding and advancing socialist democracy

The CPC has drawn on an in-depth understanding of human political advancement and its underlying laws, innovative developments in Marxist democratic theory, and a review and distillation of the Chinese people's experiences and explorations in running the country. On this basis, it has put forward sound answers to the fundamental questions of what defines true democracy and how the authenticity of people's democracy can be determined. 

President Xi has creatively put forward a four-point framework with four critical considerations for judging whether a country is democratic. He has stated, "The key factor in deciding if a country is democratic or not is whether the people truly run the country. We must evaluate whether the people have the right to vote, and, critically, whether they have the right to participate; what promises they are given during elections, and critically, how many of these promises are delivered after elections; what kind of political procedures and rules are set through state systems and laws, and critically, whether these systems and laws are truly enforced; and whether the rules and procedures for the exercise of power are democratic, and critically, whether the exercise of power is genuinely subject to public oversight and checks." 

In leading the people's endeavors to run the country, the CPC uses these criteria to ensure that people's democracy in China is democracy in the true sense and to make sure that whole-process democracy is intrinsically authentic, extensive, and effective.

Second, while continuing to learn from and absorb ideas from other countries, we have made our own explorations and innovations to avoid blindly copying the system or democratic model of any other country

While leading the people through the periods of revolution, construction, and reform, the CPC always held fast to the belief that no two political systems in the world are the same and that no universal political model exists. The strength of a country’s democracy is defined not only by its form, but more importantly, by its roots. 

China's fundamental and basic political systems—including the system of people's congresses, the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of community-level self-governance—were developed and implemented through the efforts of our Party and the people during the great endeavors of revolution, construction, and reform, and have been continuously refined in practice. 

In action, these unique political systems have demonstrated tremendous vitality and have proven to be important institutional and political advantages for China in creating its development miracle and pursuing national governance.

Editor: Yi Xiaowei