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Solid Steps Taken to Utilize, Develop, and Realize Whole-Process People's Democracy

By Qiu Ping Source: Updated: 2024-08-02

To promote national rejuvenation through Chinese modernization and ensure the people are fully invested in modernization, it is imperative that solid steps be taken to utilize, develop, and realize whole-process people's democracy. Chinese modernization is an unprecedented endeavor that will inevitably give rise to new demands and expectations for whole-process people's democracy.

Always regarding the people as the decisive force, we will develop whole-process people's democracy in the drive for Chinese modernization and harness it as a means for progress

Chinese modernization is a people-centered journey driven by the mission of realizing people's well-rounded development and common prosperity for all. We must remain firmly committed to the worldview that the people are the creators of history and hold fast to the values of placing the people above all else and regarding their position as paramount. When taking action, we must ensure that in everything we do, we work for the people, rely on the people, and wholeheartedly serve the people. In terms of our development approach, we must adhere to a people-centered development philosophy. To fulfill our mission and responsibilities, we must regard the people's aspirations for a better life as our goal and promote people's well-rounded development and shared prosperity for all. In the practical work of governance, we must regard the fundamental interests of the majority as the immutable objective of all our efforts. 

All initiatives should be judged by whether or not they earn the support, approval, satisfaction, and consent of the people. In this way, we can ensure we respond to public sentiment, respect the will of the people, stay attuned to their feelings, and improve their wellbeing. 

If we follow these value orientations and practical requirements, we will be able to create a seamless unity between whole-process people's democracy and Chinese modernization, ensuring each progresses in step with the other.

Adhering to a people-centered approach throughout every facet and phase of the democratic process, we will promote the development and refinement of whole-process people's democracy and facilitate the mutual empowerment and reinforcement of whole-process people's democracy and Chinese modernization

In China, the development of whole-process people's democracy is guaranteed not only by strong leadership but also a comprehensive set of institutions. By adhering to a people-centered ethos in every dimension and stage of democracy—from elections to consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight—and by truly respecting the people's principal position and their groundbreaking practices, we can ensure the systems, procedures, and operations of whole-process people's democracy are continuously improved and perfected in a holistic way. Based on a relationship of mutual empowerment and advancement with Chinese modernization, whole-process people's democracy will continue to develop in step with the rhythm of the times.

Based on a people-centered approach, we must take steps to develop whole-process people's democracy in practice and refine it through development. By continuing to reinforce its qualities of encompassing all links in the chain, spanning all sectors, and achieving full coverage, we can further highlight the political and institutional strengths of whole-process people's democracy, which is democracy in its broadest, most genuine and effective form.

Editor: Yi Xiaowei