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New Missions for the Global South in the New Era

By Qiu Ping Source: Updated: 2024-08-05

In recent years, amid profound adjustments to the global political and economic landscape, an increasingly stronger Global South has been playing a more and more important and constructive role in advancing the evolution of the international order.

A key engine for a new form of globalization that is inclusive and universally beneficial

Over the past 20 years, the Global South has contributed as much as 80% of global economic growth, while its share of global GDP has jumped from 24% to more than 40% over the past four decades. 

At the same time, however, amid the rising clamor around "small yards and high fences," "decoupling and delinking," and bloc confrontation, the reality is that development issues have been politicized and pushed to the margins. In response to these unilateral, protectionist, and populist moves that impede international cooperation, the Global South has jointly called for greater international attention to development issues, pressed for the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and actively engaged in cooperation in international development. These efforts have helped make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced, and universally beneficial.

A strong pillar for an equal and orderly multipolar world

With the historic expansion of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, new headway made by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a strong voice emerging from the G77+China Summit in Havana, and the reconvening of the South Summit after nearly two decades, the Global South has become a much more influential force on the international stage and is providing fresh vitality for a world evolving toward multipolarity. 

Most notably, the members of the Global South hold a diverse range of values and beliefs. They have no truck with bloc division and confrontation and insist that all countries should be treated as equals regardless of their size. This refreshing perspective on how international affairs should be handled has provided powerful impetus for steady and constructive progress toward a multipolar world. 

A positive force for more democratic international relations

Over the years, the voices of developing countries have been muted on the world stage, with their reasonable concerns left unaddressed. In stark contrast, a small number of traditional powers have demonstrated astonishing arrogance in global affairs by monopolizing the right to set international agendas and rules. Their hegemonic and domineering practices have disrupted the normal international order, undermined international justice and fairness, and obstructed progress toward more democratic international relations. 

Under the new circumstances, an increasing number of developing countries have come to recognize the ideological and institutional shackles imposed on them by imperialism and colonialism. They have united in their opposition to hegemonism and power politics and are more determined than ever to seek strategic autonomy, adopt their own stance, and defend their legitimate rights and interests.

Under the banner of anti-hegemony and non-interference, Global South countries have joined hands to engage in true multilateralism and play a more active part in international affairs in a bid to gain a greater say. By displaying a more significant role on global governance platforms such as the UN and G20, the group has achieved noteworthy accomplishments in defending its interests in areas such as global economic governance and climate response.

Editor: Zhang Xian