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BDA employees find happiness here

Updated: 2021-04-13

The Trade Unions of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) recently launched a series of activities to better serve company employees.

Smart library


Library of Beijing Dabao Cosmetics Co., Ltd. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Entering this library, a wealth of books and periodicals are arranged in an orderly manner and can be borrowed by staff at any time. In order to make it easier for employees to find books, the Beijing Dabao Trade Union has introduced a book borrowing query system. 

You can find the books you want to read directly on your mobile phone, and go to the borrowing room to pick them up after adding them to your shopping cart. The employee library has almost become standard equipment for all trade unions in BDA.

Outside the library, there is also spacious activity area. Many cultural and entertainment activities have been held here, including paper-cutting, calligraphy, English corners and chess games;  they have added a great deal of fun to employees' spare time.

Scan your face to do exercises


Fitness room of the HollySys Technology Group [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

"Employees can scan their faces and enter the gym. We have built the gym and dormitory in one building to make it easier for them to exercise every day." According to a spokesperson for the labor union of HollySys Technology Group, "Our staff likes to play table tennis in winter and badminton in summer, for which we have set special venues."

Not long ago, HollySys renovated the basketball court and the gymnasium, which now boast an earthquake-proof ground and professional stadium lighting. 


The stadium of HollySys Technology Group [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

"Mommy" exclusive

To provide convenience to female workers, the BDA Trade Union also set up a "Mummy Hut". This room has become an exclusive space for female workers to take care of their children.


"Mummy Hut" of the Beijing Dabao Cosmetics Co., Ltd. [Photo/kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn]

Tables and chairs were neatly arranged in the "Mummy Hut" of the Beijing Dabao Cosmetics Co., Ltd. During the pandemic, and hand sanitizer and paper towels were also placed on the tables.