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BDA reduces rent for SMEs

Updated: 2022-05-26

To help enterprises tide over difficulties and resume production, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (BDA) has recently comprehensively carried out rental reductions and exemptions for state-owned houses. 

As of now, 73 companies eligible to have reductions or exemptions have been reviewed and approved, with the reduction and exemption amount reaching 56.8239 million yuan ($8.444 million). 

Statistical work is expected to be completed before the end of June, and the total number of enterprises that will enjoy a reduction or exemption in rent may amount to 796, with an estimated total reduction of 354.1664 million yuan. Newly-settled enterprises can also enjoy this policy, which will be effective throughout the year.

According to the new policy, small and micro enterprises, as well as individual industrial and commercial units, that meet the requirements, are leasing state-owned buildings in areas classified as high-risk in 2022, will enjoy rental reduction or exemption for six months in 2022, according to the rental standards agreed in the housing lease contract; other areas will also be exempted from rent for three months .

The rental reduction and exemption of Yizhuang Holdings involves about 660 small and micro enterprises and individual businesses, with the final reduction and exemption amount reaching 275 million yuan.