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Win in favorable business environment

Updated: 2024-06-03

Key points were recently released, outlining 60 measures across eight areas to support Beijing in building a world-class, market-oriented, law-based, convenient, and international business environment. 

The key points propose promoting the conversion and implementation of key industrial chains such as new energy and intelligent (connected) vehicles, and conducting joint investment promotion and full-process service for projects. 

In recent years, from joint investment promotion to concentrated project signings, Beijing E-Town has seized development opportunities, leveraging advantages in the industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain. 

It aims to promote high-quality development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, addressing weaknesses and strengthening strengths, dedicated to creating more high-end, precise, and cutting-edge industry collaboration models.

A major project in Beijing E-Town—Samson Phase III Project—passed joint acceptance. The total investment for the project is 250 million yuan ($34.50 million) with a total construction area of 12,000 square meters. 

Relevant departments in Beijing E-Town helped the company secure suitable land within just one month. This aligns with the requirement in key points to provide good services for foreign investment projects and promote accelerated project implementation.

In terms of improving cross-border data flow service mechanisms, the key points support the construction of cross-border data service centers and platforms in key areas such as free trade zones and data infrastructure pilot zones.

To create a better government service environment, the key points aim to provide convenience for businesses through integration and connectivity, platform building, intelligent empowerment, and offering channels, thereby enhancing service efficiency. 

For instance, by building a city-wide policy service platform, which integrates policy documents at both municipal and district levels, the platform will centralize city-wide matters, providing more convenient, comprehensive, and precise services for enterprises and the public, promoting "one-stop" application for enterprises and the public.