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A marvelous journey into technology awaits

Updated: 2024-06-04

The 2024 Beijing E-Town Science and Technology Week recently concluded. This year's science and technology week leveraged the industrial advantages of Beijing E-Town, to promote technological innovation and dissemination.

Participants had an immersive experience of the charm of technological innovation and shared the technological achievements of E-Town.

"Everyone is now at the 'Little Red Building,' which is the first temporary office building of Beijing E-Town Administrative Committee and the place where the dreams of the Beijing E-Town took flight ..."

Under the guidance of a docent, participants first visited the Beijing E-Town District History Museum. Through methods like "listening to stories" and "observing reality," they gained an immersive understanding of the district's history and technological evolution.

At the AstraZeneca—Beijing Smart Innovation Medical Center, the staff introduced the AstraZeneca Community Chronic Disease Health Management Center, Smart Medical Consortium, Smart Medical Alliance Innovation Center and other integrated disease diagnosis and treatment solutions that empower high-quality development in healthcare.

This center includes 11 innovative integrated disease management solutions supported by AstraZeneca, covering fields such as oncology, respiratory and digestive illness, nephrology, women's health and chronic disease management.

At the Beijing E-Town Aerospace Castle Science and Research Base, over 30 families celebrated International Children's Day by exploring the skies and sharing a feast of aerospace knowledge, igniting young dreams of space exploration.


Children visit the Aerospace Castle Science and Research Base. [Photo/beijingetown.com.cn]

Guided by teachers at the science and research base, children and adults visited various science exhibition halls and themed cinemas.

They enjoyed an immersive learning experience about China's manned space program, the Chinese space station, lunar and space exploration projects, Mars exploration missions, the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System and other aerospace knowledge.