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Beijing E-Town to comprehensively optimize its business environment in three aspects

Updated: 2025-01-07

The 2025 Conference on Optimizing Business Environment and Promoting High-Quality Development held on Jan 2 in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area (Beijing E-Town) released the 10 Action Plans for Optimizing Business Environment in 2025.

From the three aspects of building industrial hubs, enhancing services for enterprises, and deep integration of industry and city, the 10 action plans, consisting of 52 measures, are proposed to comprehensively optimize the business environment, providing strong support for the construction of an internationally first-class high-end industrial comprehensive new city in the area.

Building industrial development hubs

Beijing E-Town will boost high-quality industrial development from aspects of policies, talents and funding.

Focusing on leading industries, future industries and manufacturing industries, Beijing E-Town will implement actions to lead industry chain aggregation, cultivate future industries and aggregate professional services.

With the talent aggregation action, Beijing E-Town will continuously broaden the ways in which talent is identified and expand channels for talent recruitment.

The industrial financial empowerment action will be implemented to create an industrial finance innovation demonstration zone in the area, build a cluster of 100 billion yuan-worth government-led investment guidance funds, and continuously improve the system of services for enterprise listing.

Industrial space is a key element in ensuring industry clustering and high-quality development. Beijing E-Town will implement the industrial space efficiency enhancement action to guarantee the landing of industrial projects.

Enhancing services for enterprises

This year, Beijing E-Town will take actions of opening cooperation and expansion, as well as integrating services for enterprises to make the business environment a powerful engine driving development.

The opening cooperation and expansion action includes five measures, focusing on accelerating the development of the Beijing E-Town comprehensive bonded zone, exploring the establishment of a multi-department joint regulatory mechanism, providing full-cycle services for foreign enterprises, promoting the construction of a comprehensive service platform for enterprises going global, and achieving integrated management of "white list" enterprises in the new expansion zone in terms of examination, regulation, and enforcement.

The integrating services for enterprises action will focus on iterating beneficial policies for enterprises, continuously leveraging the advantages of "receiving complaints and handling them immediately", accelerating the establishment of "license-free zones", taking the lead in promoting the implementation and effectiveness of the "one-stop" scenario, and constructing a one-stop enterprise service platform.

Deepening the integration of industry and city

Beijing E-Town has specifically proposed to implement the comprehensive digital transformation action and urban charm enhancement action.

In implementing the comprehensive digital transformation action, Beijing E-Town aims to promote the construction of an AI-city and create benchmark scenarios for artificial intelligence.

In implementing the urban charm enhancement action, Beijing E-Town focuses on enhancing the city's vitality around the demands of internationalization, youthfulness, and quality, promoting the improvement of urban quality and landscape construction. Ultimately, it aims to create a garden city that highly integrates people, city, environment, industry, and culture, effectively enhancing the sense of gain and happiness of the people.

With the launch of the 10 Action Plans for Optimizing Business Environment in 2025, Beijing E-Town will continue to push forward the upgrade of the business environment to a higher level, broader scope, and higher standard with the dedication, passion, and effort.