Hotbed for global researchers
While there are thousands of universities to research and teach at, only SUSTech caters for and cultivates tomorrow’s top researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs. Currently touted as the second-best rising young institution globally according to the Nature Index Young Universities 2019, SUSTech is showing no signs of slowing down by investing in cutting-edge lab equipment, and laying out the blueprints for research centers to be spread across 2,000,000 square meters of campus.
As a rising research university, SUSTech is ambitious and forward-looking. SUSTech is committed to providing talented young researchers with superior scientific research conditions and unlimited possibilities for development. Many scientists have joined SUSTech to work with brilliant colleagues and conduct research in fields that offer unique opportunities.
Young scholars have traditionally had difficulty in gaining support for their research. However, SUSTech has implemented the PI research management system, allowing all scholars to access funding and laboratories, whether shared or individual, and giving them the potential to lead a research group.
Along with SUSTech’s aspiration to be a globally-renowned university that is a significant contributor to the advancement of interdisciplinary science and technology, the institution also seeks to nurture creative future leaders and create knowledge for the world. Researchers and faculty members are encouraged to look outside the boundaries of their discipline to explore new cutting-edge approaches and to develop unique new projects that benefit science, technology and society as a whole.
In addition to a great work environment, SUSTech offers an impressive salary package, faculty housing on campus, ample laboratory space, and generous start-up funding. It also follows international standards, promotion and the tenure system. This is a place where faculty can realize their career dreams and help to build a better future for our global community.
In 2019, Nature Index ranked SUSTech 22nd among mainland Chinese universities, based on SUSTech publications in world-class journals like Science and Nature. With the establishment of two key research centers named after Nobel Laureates and national level research institutes focused on 5G, future communications, system design, AI, quantum science and big data, SUSTech will continue to attract talented young scientists from around the world.
In order to fully integrate the innovative talent of its home city of Shenzhen, SUSTech set up an industry-university research platform. The role of the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) is to facilitate the process by connecting the university, businesses and government bodies, getting them to share resources and encouraging faculty members to innovate in their research for the betterment of society.
The support for its faculty and researchers ensures that SUSTech continues to be a destination of high regard for many academics across the globe. With an increasingly international community across mainland China, Shenzhen and SUSTech, the opportunities for international and interdisciplinary research collaboration are infinite, providing untold openings for the development of your discipline.
Find out about our exciting opportunities today!