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Hangzhou in the eyes of foreigners

(ezhejiang.gov.cn) Updated : 2016-09-05

Peter Nordlinger, from Canada

Editing articles about Hangzhou in Beijing is not the same as being at the G20, but it has its advantages. I’m provided with an overview of the city, which I have not yet visited, and of the event, from the relative comfort of my chair.

In looking at the photos of visiting heads of states, including my own Canadian prime minister, I can see that their first impressions of Hangzhou seem to be along the line of “what a great and different city; I’m so happy to be here…” That seems to be the first impression as well of the many reporters and media staff who are clearly eager to send their words and images to their viewers and readers back home—a series of first impressions flowing around the world.

My impression, then, of Hangzhou is based on theirs. Like them I have noted appreciatively the beauty of the city, its clean environment, and the friendly people, not least the Little Lotus volunteers. The G20 has had a good home, now known by more people in every country, and even by me, in my relatively comfortable chair in Beijing.


Two student volunteers help a foreign visitor at the inquiry desk. [Photo/n.cztv.com]


Two Little Green lotus welcome G20 and B20 participants to Hangzhou, a city respected as "Paradise on Earth", at Hangzhou East Railway Station on Sept 2. [Photo by Yan Weijue/ chinadaily.com.cn]

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