
Lishui city promotes culture, tourism in Shanghai

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated : 2020-08-25


Lishui agricultural products are promoted in Shanghai on Aug 24. [Photo/Lishui Daily]

The city of Lishui – in East China's Zhejiang province – on Aug 24 held a successful marketing promotion for its culture and tourism in the megacity of Shanghai, local media reported.

Local officials said Lishui has been holding this kind of high-profile promotional event in Shanghai for 11 consecutive years, to deeply integrate into the culture and tourism market of the Yangtze River Delta, or YRD, region.

During the promotion, Lishui signed cooperative agreements with Shanghai City Tour Card Development Co Ltd, the Yangtze River Delta Integrated Tourism Alliance and the Yangtze River Delta Self-drive Club Association – in a bid to create more multi-cultural tourism products and promote resources sharing, mutual complementarity and win-win cooperation in inter-regional tourism, officials added.

As Lishui's main tourist market in the YRD region, the number of tourists from Shanghai to Lishui is increasing year by year.

Since 2010, Lishui has introduced incentive measures to encourage Shanghai travel agencies to send tour groups to Lishui's national 4A-level tourist scenic spots, which have stimulated their enthusiasm.

Officials said Lishui agricultural products were also promoted at the event.