
Zhejiang commemorates 75th anniversary of victory over Japan

(ezhejiang.gov.cn) Updated : 2020-09-03

Sept 3 marks the 75th anniversary of victory over Japan in the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. East China's Zhejiang province has been hosting a series of memorial events over the past few days.

The Zhejiang Memorial Hall for Revolutionary Martyrs, located alongside West Lake in the provincial capital of Hangzhou, was packed with veterans, relatives of military officers and martyrs who fought in the war, as well as public sector workers and schoolchildren, on the morning of Sept 2. They stood in front of the monument to the martyrs, paid silent tribute, and laid flower baskets.

Veterans were visited by local government staff members across the province. On Sept 2, the staff of the office for decommissioned military personnel in Qianyuan town, Deqing county, paid a visit to the home of Yang Guifa, a 99-year-old local resident who fought in the war. The staff members presented bouquets of flowers and listened to Yang talk about his wartime experience. Yang's face still bears a scar that was left when a bullet grazed his forehead as he fearlessly charged forward during a fight against Japanese invaders in 1938.

The Hangzhou Archives Center recently released 65 historical archives which record war-time casualties and property losses in the city of Hangzhou, revealing the huge casualties the city suffered amid the war.

A photo exhibition to honor the anniversary was launched in Hangzhou on Sept 1. Some 120 old photos, displayed in an exhibition touring the city's school campuses, residential communities, military camps, and other places, brought the war-time memories to the fore of the public consciousness, arousing their patriotism and love for peace.


A group of newly-enlisted university graduates visit an exhibition center in Quzhou, Zhejiang province, on Sept 3. The center was founded in 1998 to commemorate the victims of Japan's biological warfare in Quzhou between 1940 and 1948. [Photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]