
12-year-old Chinese girl stunned at handwritten letter of reply from Zhong Nanshan

(People's Daily Online) Updated : 2020-09-04

Wang Yijun, a 12-year-old girl from Quzhou, east China's Zhejiang province, was overjoyed and surprised when she found she had received a letter of reply from the renowned Chinese respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan, who has made distinguished contributions to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic.


(Photo/Qianjiang Evening News)

Wang shared her excitement with her classmates on Sept.1: "I didn't expect Grandpa Zhong Nanshan to reply to my letter. I really didn't expect it..."

In the letter, Zhong wrote: The students are young and in their prime, hoping to devote themselves to the cause of medicine and prove themselves through action.

In February this year, when COVID-19 was still raging nationwide, news related to Zhong Nanshan was frequently reported in various major media outlets. Wang was "moved to tears every day" at the reports.

Wang's teacher assigned a composition homework with the theme of paying homage to the medical staff. She wrote conscientiously, dividing the content into two parts, the first paying tribute to academician Zhong Nanshan, the other telling of her determination to study hard and become a doctor in the future.

Wang transcribed the composition neatly twice, handing one copy to the teacher and sending the other to Zhong Nanshan at the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health.


Wang Yijun (first from right) (Photo/Qianjiang Evening News)

The composition was given high marks by the teacher, but there was no reply to the letter sent. "I never thought Grandpa Zhong Nanshan would reply to me; I only wrote to express my respect."

On Aug.28, the management office of Wang's school received a letter of reply from Zhong Nanshan to the little girl. The teacher at the office was both surprised and excited.

"I was surprised because I could not believe that Zhong Nanshan would ever reply to the letter. I was afraid that it was fake, but after reading the envelope with Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health printed on it, I was sure it was true, and then I was excited," said a teacher from the school management office.

"Grandpa Zhong has inspired me to study hard and devote myself to medicine," Wang pointed out.