
Art show toasts Lishui's 20th year as prefecture-level city

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated : 2020-09-17


Providing a visual treat for enthusiasts, an exhibition attracts many art lovers in Lishui. [Photo/lsnews.com.cn]

An exhibition opened in Lishui in East China's Zhejiang province on Sept 14, to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the city becoming a prefecture-level city, local officials said.

A total of 150 paintings, as well as works of calligraphy and photography were exhibited, representing the latest creativity in the visual arts in the city.

After 20 years of development, Lishui's visual art scene has dazzled, benefiting from a cultural development boom, officials said.

Many influential schools of art and groups have emerged, including the Lishui Photography and Lishui Barbizon Oil Painting and a growing number of young and older painters and photographers have been cultivated.

Officials said preparations for the exhibition took almost a year and the organizers received more than 500 pieces of submitted works.

Through the open and fair evaluation of experts in Zhejiang province, 150 works reflecting the overall level of the visual arts in Lishui in recent years were selected, they added.

The exhibition will run until Sept 19.