
Ningbo forms enterprise alliance to support poverty alleviation

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated : 2020-10-19


A supermarket sells agricultural products from impoverished regions in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/cnnb.com.cn]

An alliance of enterprises was established in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province, on Oct 17 with the aim of helping poverty-stricken areas promote their agricultural products.

The city has been paired with a number of cities in less developed regions of the country to help them alleviate poverty under the "pairing assistance" program launched by the central government.

The newly established alliance, the first of its kind in Zhejiang province, is meant to connect governments, enterprises, social organs, and farmers in poverty-stricken areas. 

Chen Yahong, president of the alliance, which now has over 200 members, said that the alliance will purchase and sell anti-poverty products and help farmers in impoverished areas establish long-term and stable relations with agricultural processing and distribution enterprises to turn their harvests into income. 

Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Northeast China's Jilin province is among the places Ningbo has been assigned to support. Ningbo Mingtu Grain and Oil Trading Co Ltd has been selling rice produced in Yanbian for the past five years. 

Liu Xiaodong, general manager of the company, said that in the past, enterprises would purchase about 2,000 metric tons of Yanbian rice and sell it in Zhejiang every year. He expected 10,000 tons to be sold this year as a result of the unified channels, price, and higher service standards.

"The price of rice will become more affordable, benefiting poor people," he said.

The alliance also plans to establish physical stores and supermarkets to display and store items in a bid to further promote agricultural products from impoverished regions.