
Forum held to discuss digital transportation

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated : 2020-11-02


The YRD Digital Transportation Coordinated Innovation Alliance is inaugurated at the YRD Integration Digital Transportation Forum, which was held in Jiaxing on Oct 29. [Photo/cnjxol.com]

The first Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Integration Digital Transportation Forum was held in Jiashan, a county in Jiaxing, East China's Zhejiang province on Oct 29, local media reported.

Focusing on the establishment of a national digital transportation demonstration zone in Jiashan, the forum discussed the development of digital transportation and relevant supporting policies in China.

Huang Xiaoqing, vice-president of Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co Ltd, described the plans for developing digital transportation in Jiashan at the forum, saying that the county should first develop the necessary technology and form an industrial ecosystem for digital transportation and smart vehicles.

Participants from government, companies, institutes and universities also shared their ideas on how to develop digital transportation in Jiashan and bring about the coordinated development of smart vehicles, smart roads and cloud computing technology.

The YRD Digital Transportation Coordinated Innovation Alliance was inaugurated at the forum, which aims to promote the development of the digital transportation industry and solve practical problems for companies in Jiashan.

The alliance gathers resources from universities, institutes and companies, including Tongji University, Zhijiang Lab, and Xinjidian Intelligent Technology Group.

In addition, Tongji University also established the YRD Digital Transportation Institute in Jiashan to support the construction of the national demonstration zone in the county.

Jiashan, as the demonstration zone for YRD integration and county-level scientific development, was the first in China to propose the establishment of a national digital transportation demonstration zone.